in #photography5 years ago (edited)

Hi guys this is my entry for the B&W CONTEST sponsored by @axeman and @steemingcurators. If you are interested to participate please read this post.

With the arrival of the rains, not only does freshness arrive in the environment, but it is also the rebirth for many species of plants and among them are the mushrooms.

Mushrooms are the species that proliferate most with the rains, there are mushrooms of many colors and shapes that adorn with their beauty the mother nature. Here in my city only one species of mushrooms grows, I have heard that they are edible but I do not dare to eat them, although I like mushrooms I am afraid that they are toxic and make me see pink elephants and other crazy things. lol

Today I went for a walk as the isolation measures are becoming more flexible and although the contagion of Covid-19 continues to grow some parts of the country are preparing for a return to the "new normal life".

Con la llegada de las lluvias no solo llega la frescura en el ambiente sino que también es el renacer para muchas especies de plantas y entre ellos están los hongos.
Los hongos son la especie que más prolifera con las lluvias, hay hongos de muchos colores y formas que adornan con su belleza la madre naturaleza. Aqui en mi ciudad solo crece una especie hongos, he oido que son comestibles pero no me atrevo a comerlos, aunque me fascinan los hongos me da temor que estos sean tóxicos y me hagan a ver elefantes rosados y otras cosas locas. lol
Hoy salí a caminar un poco ya que las medidas de aislamiento se están volviendo mas flexibles y aunque el contagio de Covid-19 sigue creciendo algunas partes del país se prepara para el regreso a la "nueva vida normal".





Thanks for stopping by

With love. Maria Ballesteros. 💜

All images are my property unless otherwise credited.