Na Drini ćuprija (The bridge on the Drina river) Part 3

Turkish statesman

Bridge on thhe Drina
That day was just an usually day in village sokolovic, until turkish soldiers came. Everybody knew what coming is next. Some mothers took their sons in the woods, unfortunately mother of little boy Bajica Nenadic didn't. Turkish soldiers took little Bajica and other boys. Mothers of the boys were sad and were crying, and they followed soldiers and their sons...but there was one big setback on the road, that was Drina, big, fast and insurmountable river.
Tomorrow, I will write about Robert De Niro and his perception about bridge. If you don't read my previously blog about bridge and Drina, please read and upvote. 🙂
Thanks for reading, continiued with follow and you ll find out many interesting thing about this bridge and my lovely Serbia. ❤ .. I am still learning English and I would be so gratefull if you could correct me.
Honestly.. I can't wait for next part, and I'll be expecting more about Robert De Niro cuz you two have one thing in common ➔ Loving Serbia :)
thanks man...I really hope that I' ll finis my post until tomorrow night.