in #photography6 years ago

Nemophila (Nemophila) is an annual ground cover plant of the family Borage. The genus includes 11 species. The homeland of this flower is America and Canada. In nature, they grow in the sunlit forest edges, streams, meadows, as well as on the slopes and open spaces where the climate is humid. In natural conditions bloom usually in the spring or early summer.

Stems of the plant creeping, pubescent, branched, up to 30 cm in length. Leaves are also pubescent, pinnately lobed. Bushes grow in width by about 20cm.

Nemophila at home called sisyrinchium, we often "forget-me-not American". There are several garden varieties with flowers of different colors. The flowers are quite large, wide-bell-shaped, single. Most often found in the gardens of nemophila blue. Its flowers are up to 4 cm in diameter, in color from almost white to bright blue.

There are varieties with white flowers with blue edging on the edges, white with streaks, with purple spots on the edges of the petals. We nemophila flowering occurs in June.

You ам2.jpgcan often hear that nemophila requires special care. That's wrong. The plant is absolutely he is not capricious, no complicated care is not required. The only condition - wet, but not wetland soil. If you put her in the" right place", then there will be no worries with it. In the sun for the American forget-me-too hot and dry, in the shade it blooms worse, so put in the lowland or on the slope in a light shade.

The use of neophiles in landscape design
Nemophila looks great in the curbs, it is planted on the edge of the flower beds and along the paths. Flowering period it is long, which attracts many gardeners.

Creeping shoots well cover the soil in areas where spring bulbs and tuberous plants were planted. After flowering, they often lose their attractiveness, spoiling the flower bed with its dry leaves. "American forget-me" covers them with a green carpet, strewn with delicate flowers.

Nemophila easily combined with other plants. It can be used to create a bright blue spot in the mixborder or among the grass lawn. In another case, it can create a gentle blue background for bright orange-yellow colors. But if you want nemophila created a solid carpet, they need to be planted at a distance of 10-20 cm from each other.

Several million colors nemophila grow in Japanese Park Hitachi-Seaside. Tourists from all over the world are attracted by the gentle blue fields during the flowering of this plant. They multiply by self-seeding in a mild climate.

As forget-me-not, nemophila is a light-loving plant,but does not tolerate summer heat. That is why it is planted in light partial shade or placed near water bodies, where it is particularly effective.

When planting in containers or garden vases forms a dense cascade of greenery and flowers, which is easily combined with higher, erect plants and looks great in the foreground of the composition.

Tips for growing nemophila
Lighting. Nemophila better blooms in a Sunny place, grows well in partial shade. In the garden it is often placed in a slightly shaded place, as forget-me-not. She can't stand the heat. In temperate zones, if there is enough moisture in the soil, then the most suitable place is a Sunny meadow. If the summer heat-only in partial shade, created by shrubs or tall flowers. The best place where the sun is in the morning, and in the afternoon there is a shadow.

Soil: All types nemophila prefer loose soil. To its nutritional value, they are not demanding, but they bloom better on the fertile. The soil should contain a lot of moisture. On dry sandy soil to grow them will be difficult, will have to constantly water.

Reproduction. Propagated by seeds, sown them directly into the moist soil in early spring. Shoots appear in two weeks. Thinned so that the distance between the bushes was about 20 cm is Possible to sow nemophila later, in mid-summer, then flowering occurs in early autumn.


very beautiful place, I would like to go there