A Week in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico
We spent a week in playa del carmen celebrating the wedding of My brother(Lockent) and brand new sister, Joe and Jacque.
Their week was muggy yet cozy. Their celebration was simple yet charming and intimate.
Their love is delicate yet strong.
They hired a photographer so you won’t see any of their wedding pictures here.
What you will see is my children enjoying life and creating memories with their first cousins, colton and carrington.
As kids, my sister and i always dreamed of having children the same age.
Our husbands would be tall and handsome and they would be the best of friends.
We would live on the same street and would barbecue every weekend.
Well, life had different plans and now 3,000 miles separates us.
Watching our children play with abandon in playa del carmen was much like watching our childhood dream play out to the soundtrack of laughter and squeals.
For seven days we were neighbors. For seven days our children had sleepovers, our husbands were inseparable, and we ate dinner together every night.
It was magic.
I could go on but i will spare you the mush and get right to the heart—some photographs of people i love enjoying the “good life” together in paradise.
These are just some of the photographs from our week. above is the slideshow with even more pictures.
All images and text published in this post are my original work.
Thanks for watching!

Hope can bring something to you, please do not forget to look at my other recent photo posts:
- M Y T R I B E | At the Beach in Malibu
- FAMILY PHOTO SHOOT - Series by @Erica Montgomery — Beautiful Moments — (Part #1)
- FAMILY PHOTO SHOOT - Series by @Erica Montgomery — Beautiful Moments — (Part #2)


Cute ,Post great! Well done
Really beautiful pictures ..
Thanks for sharing
Thank you @slimanepro
Cute ,Post great! Well done
Really beautiful pictures ..
Thanks for sharing
Nice photography!
Thank you @spreekilla
Very beautiful and vivid pictures! Photos as if made for a family magazine about a happy family) Remarkable work!!
Invite you to visit my profile)
Thank you, I am just a photographer and want to save the beautiful moments of my family.
Is it just a hobby or a job?
Both of them :)
Please take the time to learn how to properly use bid bots. Your last bid knocked the ROI down for EVERYONE. You could have made much better returns by using ANOTHER BOT since this one was already full.
Thank you @digitokash,
I'm not very good at technology, but you gave me a good lesson, thank you again !!!
Wow, great trip to mexico. Seeing people so happy and happy.
Thank you @sleepwalking, A great week !!!
wow....God bless ur kids n u all....
all the pictures are so lovely... kids were enjoying.... so beautiful
Thank you @bristynahid
Which ones are yours and which ones are your sister's? :D Your photos are truly magical @lockent. :)
Thank you @invisusmundi, I am a photographer, and I save the beautiful moments of my family including the family of My brother. You can see the video I posted, including some pictures of my brother and brand new sister.
Oh wow this photo! Absolute one of my bucket list destinations to go to!
Those are amazing photos, Keep sharing them.
I also love to share such photography on my profile. You may wanna see them.