Medzhybizh Castle. The history of the castle White Swan, it can not be ignored.

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

As if lost in time majestically stands the “White Swan” at the confluence of the Southern Bug and Buzhok in Khmelnytsky region. This is an ancient fortress in a small town Medzhibozh, that in reflection river resembles a swan. Once the wall fortifications were whitish. They were soaked in a mixture of crushed brick and calcimine, so far away castle really was like a white swan.

So this name is preserved to this day, though, the whiteness of washed off, and the river is not such broad. At the time, she was much less than the and only Donjon tower saved up to now. Due to the frequent change of owners, the castle being completed many times expanded, strengthen - it was necessary to defend against attacks of Tatars.

In the distant 1362 Koriatovichi princes gave birth to Medzhybizh fortress.Fortress sizes were much smaller than today and Donjon tower only survived to the present day. In general, what we see now - it is a merit gentry Sinyavsky, who owned a city of about two hundred years and brought its contribution to the development of not only the strengthening of the fortress, but also the city itself. They were great strategists and rulers.

In the 16th century in Medzhibozh developed many crafts, which facilitated trade fairs, tournaments, trade was conducted with many cities, including with Lviv. Traditions are preserved - twice a year, the fortress comes alive to the sounds of swords and the clatter of horses, the noise traders. At this time, there are festivals with knightly tournaments. In August, passes dedicated to the Day of Independence of Ukraine Festival "Ancient Medzhibozh", in early January, after Christmas - the festival "Winter Tower." Both festivals are very colorful and interesting for tourists. It is a variety of battles, hiking, swimming in the ice-hole winter, hunting, balls and receptions in the castle tower, games, fun, folk concerts, fairs, workshops of folk crafts. Every year the festival program is different, so often offers surprises. This competition among the archers and crossbowmen, costume contest and dance and much more.

From the observation tower offers amazing views of the surrounding land and the town itself Medzhibozh. To date, survived three towers, two castle housing, castle church, the arched bridge and exit protective walls. All this served not only for defense - these were and accommodations, as evidenced by the large windows, stone arches, fireplaces, white stone portals, figured attic, ceramics. In the premises of the castle is a museum, which is a lot of talk about the old times Medzhibozh. You will also see the ruins of the church of the 17th century, the dungeons and fortification towers that served rifle points.

Fortress - a strategically thought-out construction that could withstand many attacks. Although during the Second World War the castle was severely damaged, yet she survived and is one of the most striking sights of the Western Ukraine. Now many items are under construction.