5 tips to improve your drone photography
I like very much to go on adventures all the time, and while I do that I enjoy to make videos and photos about it. Since I got my very first drone I have been trying to master the art of aerial cinematography and photography, so now, after two years of practice I came up with 5 tips to improve your aerial photography, hope it works for you guys!
1. Plan your photo
Investigate where you are going. Study other pictures of the place and get a general idea of the photos you want to make. Google Maps in satellite mode is a good option to make a reconnaissance of the area before takeoff !.
2. Golden Hour
Within the planning of your photo, keep in mind that the light of dawn or sunset will give a more dramatic touch to your image. Play and create with the shadows you find!
3. Don't forget to look down
A drone allows you to locate unique perspectives that no other camera is going to give you. Look down and discover a new point of view.
4. Lines and shapes
From above you will discover lines and shapes that you simply can not see from the ground. You will see defined lines that will shape the composition of your photo. Play with these angles.
5. Humanize your photo
Generate empathy in your photo by placing a subject in your frame. Respect the law of thirds, remember that in addition to flying and being a pilot, you are being a photographer.
Have fun and enjoy the process, everything that is done with good vibes and love ends up going well!
Thank you for reading this and I hope you find it useful! Leave your opinions in the comments and do not forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me on Instagram
Great tips! That picture looking down on that bridge makes me sick to my stomach lol.. I would pee my pants if I ever had to cross a bridge like that.. but it makes a wonderful picture :) thanks for sharing!
Hey thanks for reading it! haha that bridge was buildt in 1891, and that railway was abandon on 1998, so more than 100 years old and 20 years abandon!
oh my!! those photos looks awesome... great tips on doing this drone shots... I really afraid to buy one and eventually crash it and worst in the water.. I will find courage to fly those things
oh man! don't be afraid of crashing the drone, I'll suggest you to stick to the Brand DJI, they have the most reliable drones. Watch lots of tutorials on youtube, and fly the simulator that comes with the drone. After that just start with simple and easy flys and you will be fine!.
I'll try to keep making post about drones ok?
Cheers bro!
I really like the last photo. A simple puddle or swamp can be so gorgeous!
yea that is true man! just have to be at the right place at the right moment!
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Este post nos llamó la atención porque estamos tomando experiencia en el mundo de los Drones y pues muchísimas gracias por compartir tus conocimientos de los que estaremos pendientes desde ya.
¡Eres de los nuestros! Saludos.
hola chicos! gracias por la bienvenida y por tomarse el tiempo de chequear mi post! me alegra mucho que les haya gustado y espero que les ayude a lograr las fotos que desean eh!.
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Saludos amigos!
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