The Husky Handbook - 3 things you need to know about Siberian Huskies! #introduceyourdog

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

The Husky Handbook - 3 things you need to know about Siberian Huskies

Ahhh yes, the majestic Siberian Husky in her "natural" habitat.

Or otherwise known as... my living room couch.

Here are a few things you need to know about Siberian Huskies...

1. They are VERY cuddly!

About 50% of the time, you're husky is  going to want to cuddle you. Above is a picture of my Mom and my husky, Tundra. As you can see, it's kind of hard to have the whole couch to ourselves anymore without being smothered by 51 pounds of fuzzy hair. Huskies are very emotional creatures, so if you don't make some cuddle time for them, they'll get depressed and mope around all day until you do. Always be sure to greet your husky a few times a day so that they'll continue to feel appreciated. If they're satisfied, they won't bother you as much. Instead, they'll be asleep with a huge smile on their face.

2. They're wicked smart.

As a puppy she managed to escape our yard no matter how secure we made the fences (Until we got the electric oneXD). Not only was she an escape artist back in the day, but she learned quickly how to manipulate our guests into giving her their food. The way she likes to do this is by resting her chin on one of their knees or sometimes somewhere on the couch near them.  Then she gives them a look with those sky-blue puppy-dog eyes. These are only 2 examples of the intelligent things they'll do. Every husky is different. So be prepared when you're thinking about adoption!

3. I think the picture says most of it.

Tundra has two big shedding periods during the year. These usually happen at the start of spring and fall. It's important to take your husky to the groomer's at least three times a year; if you ever want to sit on your couch with black pants on again. As long as they're grooming is well kept up with, you don't have to worry about dealing with nearly as much hair.

Other than what a harry mess she can be, Tundra has been my best friend for the past 7 years. Adopting her was one of the biggest life-changers I've ever experienced!

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Tundra is DEFINITELY wicked smart! Always cracks me up when we brush her... brush one husky, get one free. Also, if you have a husky, be prepared to be stopped constantly when you go for walks. Everyone wants to pet her.

Ahh yes, I forgot to talk about the attention you'll get on walks. Huskies are chick MAGNETS!

She's so adorable! I can totally relate to what you've written. To add to this list, I think huskies are really picky eaters! They eat what they want, when they want.
This is my husky Hash!

Mine does that too! They're a bunch of spoiled bundles of love. Hash is beautiful! Hey, only 6 more and we've got ourselves a sledding team!


Just to add to how smart this dog is...She was let outside today to potty, and the porch gate happened to shut. So she went around the the front of the house TO THE FRONT DOOR AND KNOCKED. We answered the door, and she just waltzed right in.

Beautiful dog. I have always wanted one of these!

lovely husky !
my husky so cute ♥