How to shoot night photos
Hello people,
Today I will show you how to take great night photos with your camera.
At the summer of last year I was on Zlatibor with my family. Zlatibor iz the beautiful mountain about 230 km form Belgrade. We were in our house near the city. Zlatibor in translation means gold pine.
I took my Canon 1Ds Mark II, 5D Mark III and 15mm Fisheye lens with me with the intention of making some night photos. I was hoping it wouldn't be cloudy so I could see the stars clearly.
Canon 5D Mk3, 15mm F2.8, Shutter speed 15s ISO 1600
This is you need if you want to capture night photos:
Camera- You can capture geat night photo with pretty much any camera these days, but it's preferably that you have dslr or a bit newer point shoot camera.
Lens- you need lens with as small as possible F number and as wide as posible (18-55 kit lens should work just fine but if you can find something wider it would be nice).
Good location- ideal location is somewhere far from city and with no light nearby.
Good weather- always check for weather forecast, you want clear sky and with no moon.
Steady tripod- this is very important because you will use long expositures and you don't want any shake in your photos.
Blanket and a cup od coffee- it's not necessary, but it is desirable :).
Canon 1Ds Mk2, 15mm F2.8, Shutter speed 30s ISO 2000
Here is what you need to do:
Set manual mode on your camera (M mode), than set the shutter speed to 30 seconds or as high as you camera supports. It's very important that your shutter speed be as long as posible because you don't have lot of light in mountain at 1 a.m. If your stars are litle bit blury you need to put shutter speed to 10-15 seconds.
This is example of 30 seconds exposure ( open image to see blurry stars)
It's very important to set your focus to infinite otherwise you will end with lots of out of focus images. You can set focus to infinite in two ways:
-Focusing on some that is far away and put switch from AF to MF ( I prefer to put a little bit of tape on focusing ring)
-If your lens has focusing window you can manualy set focus to infinite.
This will happen if you don't set focus right
3. RAW
Shoot RAW because night photos requires lot of editing.
You can set WB to auto it isn't that important because you shoot RAW anyway.
Set iso speed to 1600 and check the photo if the picture is to dark increase iso to 3200 or 6400 but keep in mind if you increse iso that will increase noise in photography ( you can turn on noise reduction in camera seting).
Use the more stable tripod you can find. If you lens or camera has optical stabilization (IS, OS, VR or whatever it's called on your lens :) ). If it's windy outside make sure thats your cameras strip is atached strong to tripod. if your camera have 2 second delay turn that function on and use canon intervalometer if you have one.
Composition is one of the most important aspects of night photography and photography in general. If you think that your photos are boring you can add some object or someone in the midle of the frame ( look at the first photo). Rimember if you have everything right but your composition is bad, photo will be bad.
It's very important to edit photos because that way you extract full beauty from your photos.
( If you want editing post please upvote and comment post).
Canon 1Ds Mk2, 15mm F2.8, Shutter speed 20s ISO 1600
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Thanks you for reading.
I jedna srpski komentar na slike: Zlatibore piiitaj Taruuu.... :)
Stara ali draga.. :)
hell yeah the canon 1Ds mrk2 is epic
Classic, but still good.
yeah, truly amazing, keep the good work
great tips yo, they are definitely going to help out those who are starting their adventure in night photography
I hope so man
Thank you for sharing,excellent post I invite you to my Page,Have a great day!
Dobro nam došao 😉
Bolje vas nasao ☺️
Aj pa srećno! 😉
The night seems more delightful than the day
Trust me on the Zlatibor they are
I like to take photos at night too, but I usually have an iPhone with me and the result is not always the best. I have the Canon 5D Mk3 but to carry it with me is heavy.

Best camera is one that you have with you, btw awesome photo for the iPhone
Phones thise days have excellent cameras
yeeaaa :))
Excellent, @laki01 & happy to see you having some success, already!
Thank you @yahialababidi
nice piece.very educative,you made it as simple as best.thank you man