Dark pinup w/ Betty Machete!
“Winter is here!”. The Game of Thrones quote echoing in my head as we all make it to @caffetto in -10° weather. January is always the worst in Minnesota, and we’ve escaped mostly pain free the entire season. There was an unavoidable feeling that the worst was still to come. In addition to frigid Arctic temperatures, it feels like @guthrie has only been to school four times since the middle of December. Christmas, New Years, teacher in service days, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and now an entire week off of school because of snow and cold temperatures, it’s really disrupting my routine.
Things are good, despite the schedule […or lack there of]. Myself, @vermillionfox and @tarotbyfergus are still getting in Magic: The Gathering games. I’ve still been able to draw. I’m currently brainstorming concept for characters in “Eat the Rich” […working title] story I’m doing with @ghostfish. @coppercoins is going well. I’ve also been editing, continuously trying to get out from under the mountain of work still owed. One client at a time, but I’m making progress and enjoying the chance to revisit these shoots. One of those shoots was of Betty Machete.
Betty is a LA based pinup. I had an opportunity to shoot with this vintage beauty in 2015 during my annual, all inclusive NOIR event. I loved the images I’d gotten of her during that shoot, so I was over the moon when she contacted me about a shoot during my last trip to Los Angeles. We found a date that worked for us, and as the shoot approached, I became increasingly excited for this collaboration. We’d be shooting at a massive estate inland, and most importantly, I’d have more time to shoot. NOIR sessions are 30 minutes, typically. My style of photography takes a while to find a rhythm.
Working with Betty this second time was a reminded of how we captured lightning in a bottle during that first shoot several years ago. These are just a few of the first images from our recent work together and there will be more to come. As always, I tend to save the best photos from every shoot till last. Still looking at two days of @caffetto cabin fever, so there is more art on the near horizon. For more photography, illustration and the stories behind the work, follow me here @kommienezuspadt!
The shot in the garden is simply wow. $rewarding 100% 15min
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Thanks @joythewanderer! I appreciate the comment, because I wouldn't have thought the garden shot would have been most people's favorite.
I love all your pinups, but "Betty Machete" is the best name out of all of them!
I agree with @joythewanderer that the garden photo just knocks you outta your seat! these photos are amazing! thank you for making my day better with these.
I'm really surprised the garden photo is most people's favorite out of the three images. I think it's my least favorite, but I love getting insight from others. It informs me on which images I should share on other social media or consider from making prints, @veteranforcrypto! Thanks for the comment.
I love the three images, but that last one leaves me fascinated and thoughtful. I think it's an image that reflects a lot of power and mystery, not only because of its sensuality but also because of the carefree and safe pose lying on the big chair. It's an empty chair that reflects power and there she is, by her side. Excellent photographs. Thanks for sharing!
WOW! I'm fascinated that you went so deep with the implied meaning of the photo @nancybriti. In the old Playboy days of the 60's, they used to always leave a hint of a man's presence in the photo. Sometimes as subtle as a pipe on the counter, or "His", "Hers" on the towels in the bathroom. I definitely don't subscribe to those social statements of a "man's place in the home" in my current world view, but I always like the ability to tell stories deeper than just an esthetically pleasing photo.
Beautiful and creative post, thank you
Thank you @dobartim!
It is a very beautiful model, the second photograph has enchanted me, it is my favorite. I imagine it is the fact that his gaze is directed at the camera and that her hair looks very well.
Thank you @martinmcfly. She is a beautiful model. The second photo seems to be everyone's favorite, which surprised me a little.
Love that pictures in this, what looks like an outdoors setting. Amazing how it works and is so harmonious with light coming from so many directions. In a way, the bright light bulbs are slightly irritating, but in the end they always lead my eye back to the figure. Brilliant!
Thanks, @reinhard-schmid. I know what you mean about the bulbs hanging. That's probably a rule that would have tried to enforce in photography school, but I don't follow most of the rules anyway. I love shooting at this location. Inside and outside, during the day or the night, there are so many interesting places to take photos. I feel like I'd never run out of inspiration.
I saw U posting on Crea as well. Do U believe that it has future?
I really don't know @mrgreen. I'm a Steemit loyalist, but I'm always interested in new decentralized and blockchain based social communities. I like it so far.
-10 ° Wow! that's very cold for me! the winter has arrived at your door, it is not long for Game of Thrones to start, I am so excited. You will have the editions, you can enjoy the Game of Thrones..
The three photos are nice but I like the last one.