Picture Stories #187 - Skeletal Sighting 💀
Humans are vertebrates, i.e. animals with bones and a skeletal system. There are many other vertebrates, and the basic necessity of bones is that they give form and shape to our bodies. While looking at bones and skeletons might not be appealing to all, every once in a while looking at interesting skeletal structures of different kinds can be fun and educational. As in the case of the below picture, where I encountered the skeleton of an interesting creature from the animal kingdom.
Mainly, bones are made of calcium and other essential minerals and are very hard. The human skeleton system comprises of nearly 200 bones.
Can you guess the above skeleton belongs to which animal?
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Is it a baboon skeleton?
Nope... It's a sloth.
Oh my word, now I've shown my ignorance, need to learn more about the skeletal systems!
The overall valu of human body if sold on scrap is one dollar
Wow, interesting fact...
No need to guess - it says 'sloth' under the skeleton :o)
That would be my guess as well due to overall posture and long claws, however those fangs look a bit off.
Hehe yea I know, I wanted to see if people would investigate :D It's a sloth :)
if I'm not mistaken, I'm guessing it's a skeleton of a monkey that runs slower if someone calls his name a wind monkey, thanks, hopefully you are always successful, @jznsamuel
It's a sloth :)
thank you for telling me @jznsamuel
that was creepy!
Is it a skeleton of a monkey?
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