After a long wait - Depois de uma longa espera
True, after a long wait, it blossomed.
More than three years ago, I won a flower shop, a seedling of that cactus.
I planted it, thinking of the magnificent flower that was going to be born, just like the one I saw in the flower shop.
Verdade , depois de uma longa espera, ela floresceu.
A mais de três anos atrás, eu ganhei numa floricultura, uma muda desse cacto.
Fiz o plantio, pensando na magnífica flor que iria nascer, igual a que vi na floricultura
At first I realized that it was not going to sprout, but, I insisted and almost daily took care of that cactus in its pot, in fact, it was just a stake.
After almost losing hope, I realized that some more stakes started to grow.
No começo percebi que não ia brotar, mas, insisti e quase que diariamente cuidava desse cacto em seu vaso, aliás, era sómente uma estaca.
Depois de quase perder as esperanças, percebi que começaram a crescer mais algumas estacas
To my surprise and joy, all the work was not in vain.
A few days ago, he started to open a button, which I wouldn't let anyone get close to.
And today I can finally share with you, this gift of nature, a beautiful purple flower that opened.
Para minha surpresa e alegria, todo trabalho não foi em vão.
De uns dias para cá, começou a abrir um botão, o qual eu não deixava ninguém chegar perto.
E hoje finalmente posso compartilhar com vocês, essa dádiva da natureza, uma bela flor roxa que se abriu
In short: When we are careful and attentive, even in the smallest things, we will always be rewarded
**Resumindo : Quando temos o cuidado e a atenção , mesmo nas pequenas coisas, sempre seremos recompensados
Fotos tiradas com smartphone Samsung Galaxy
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Nice, i got a similar cactus like this but it ended up dying before it ever bloomed. Too wet around here.
Posted using Partiko Android
The climate here is hot, but even so, it took more than three years for the flower to grow.
Thanks for the comment
Oh yeah ) Congrats! I can confirm this succulent is a tough cookie. Mine didn't blossom yet
it looks like a star fish didn't it ?
Hehehe its a very beautiful cactai.. But damn that one can stink hey...