
Exactly wanting to be busy is so much more fun than having to, and being busy for fun is good for ones health and mind

That's it, that's positive stress for me and I like it, I feel good :)

Some people hate stress and pressure, I am the opposite i love Stress and thrive on it, but positive stress like this is the best for sure :)

I don't like stress at work anymore, and I try to keep it away from my office 😎

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I dont like people that create stress, I do not mind it as in pressure but not silly unneeded stress

I fully agree, because I do know a few of these people, and I do not have a chance to avoid them, but I try to show them how easy some work can be when they do it another way...

I am sure we all come across people like that, some change from watching others do it more effectively, others just spend more time complaining and creating stress I swear they think it is there job I think
I had one assistant for a while who would spend more time explaining why she couldn't do somehting than actually it would take to do it

Seems you know our colleague - we all hope, that he doesn't come to meetings, because then the meeting would last twice or three times as long :(

When he gets asked something, where the answer can be Yes or No, he would talk for 10 minutes at least, and all his talking would mean Yes or No at the end... :(