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RE: Šunik Water Grove / Šunik-Wasserhain (Šunikov vodni gaj, Slovenia)

in #photography6 years ago

I should do so too to have a nice list of spots with ideas, when I should be there best or what to photograph there.

Maybe I should just start with writing down the mossy spot from last weekend, and after this first step I might add such nice places automatically :)


It doesn’t hurt to make a list just the fact that you write it down probably locks in into ones memory banks and hence I never need to look at the list lol 😂

This is how I memorized things at school the easiest and fastest: I wrote it all down again - a cheat sheet, which I very seldom needed, because I saved it in my brain cells by writing it down 😎

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I was the same writing things down once was allI needed, infact I know i upset more than one teacher, as I would make notes in class, and then drop them in the trash as I was walking out of class, one asked me clearly irritated why waste time taking notes if your going to throw them out,I said I make the note and then its logged in my memory banks so I don’t need the paper, she just didnt understand that

Who would understand that?

I can imagine your teacher, how proud she must have been, because little JJ wrote everything down that she taught, and then he dropped all into the bin. I can see her big eyes, which couldn't believe what they saw 😎

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LOL yeah thinking about it that way it must have upset the teacher, but it would have bene worse if she ever read my notes, MY mind would wonder off here and there and probably half of my notes if not more had nothing to do with the subject at hand

I drove teaches nuts i bet, me and friends were trouble makers at times, but i got way with more as I was one of the top students when it came to exams

A geek and a bad guy at the same time 😁
I tried not to stand out, so I had my peace 😎

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I was such a contrast at school First 15 Rugby, School soccer team, and if not for my record of being disruptive 9 it wasn’t really my fault I was just so bored in classes well thats my excuse and I am sticking to it) I would have been dux of the school, not that it was a big thing back there was only ever mentioned at the prize ceremony, its funny the person who was top in my final year at school came 35th overall in the country for the year end exams I was 15th Overall, but in the top 3 for three subject but my English grade dragged me down lOL

As I said: a geek and a bad boy at the same time 😉

I have never been really interested in football/soccer, maybe, because nobody wanted to play with me ;) lol I don't know, why I never liked team sports. My sport was running, which I did every day, and later, in my twenties I liked mountain running ... until I started smoking - I think, I have already told about that. I'm getting old ;)

Dux is another new word for me, but I don't know, if I will remember it ;)