
I dont like people that create stress, I do not mind it as in pressure but not silly unneeded stress

I fully agree, because I do know a few of these people, and I do not have a chance to avoid them, but I try to show them how easy some work can be when they do it another way...

I am sure we all come across people like that, some change from watching others do it more effectively, others just spend more time complaining and creating stress I swear they think it is there job I think
I had one assistant for a while who would spend more time explaining why she couldn't do somehting than actually it would take to do it

Seems you know our colleague - we all hope, that he doesn't come to meetings, because then the meeting would last twice or three times as long :(

When he gets asked something, where the answer can be Yes or No, he would talk for 10 minutes at least, and all his talking would mean Yes or No at the end... :(

Ohh yes I know a few of those, one I used to be stuck in a lot of meetings with luckily my role changed and not in meetings with that particular person anymore :)

You lucky guy - our colleague will stay for some more years until he retires shortly before me :(
He is really very complicated. Everything must be discussed first, even the simplest things. But my luck is, that I don't have to work with him together, just meet him at meetings and so.

In our new Re-org we combined with the other IT department so we have a big department maybe 2 or 3 hundred people so we have plenty like that, unfortunately, luckily for the most part I have a very small group I deal with on a regular basis

Smaller groups are better, and when they understand each other, then working can make fun, at least sometimes ;)

We are 5 at our office and working together works as it should, although one is blonde and one belongs to those complicated stressmakers ;)