Aerial Photography by JoesDrone

in #photography9 years ago

More Original Drone Photos

So far my Steemit posts have been photos/videos previously taken by my drone over the last 6 months. This post is no exception besides the fact that I am running out of 'old' stuff to share. Any input/ideas/support would be greatly appreciated as I am looking for new things to do with the drone from here on.


It was on this recent flight, near a small village called Hooe (south east England), that I almost lost the drone to some power lines due to misjudging their height! Fortunately, the drone just missed them. Hooe is pronounced 'who' by the way!


Not too far from Hooe is a town called Hastings. Here you can see the ruins of Hastings castle and their newly built pier:

A couple more shots from Hastings:

Drive to Poland:

A few months ago I travelled to Poland (from the UK) via car as a family holiday. It was a bit of a rushed drive there and back so I did not get to use the drone as much as I would have liked... but I did manage to capture a few shots a long the way which I have not yet shared here:

The first picture of a lake is from Germany. I believe the lake is called 'Schweriner See'. The second and third pictures are both from Poland near a town called Jelenia Góra that we visited on the way home. You may notice that some sort of giant bug met it's untimely end in the last shot!!

I hope you enjoyed what I have been able to share so far. Again, any input/ideas are appreciated.

Thank you!


Cool, what camera is mounted to drone? Is it dedicated, can you mount high end photo equipment without fear of dropping it?

The drone is a DJI phantom 3 Advanced. It has it's own camera and gimbal to keep it stable. It uses GPS and its easy to fly. You can get larger drones that will carry professional camera equipment. They cost quite a bit more though!

oh... you can see a photo of the drone in one of my older posts too.

What was the BEST KISS of your entire life?

Beautiful photos! I look forward to seeing more. Its seems that you travel a lot, I would love to see some from Norway if you get there, I've heard the fjords are a sight.

I wish I travel a lot :( The Poland trip was a one off really... I had not been abroad for over 10 years before that! I did love it though and have actually been considering a trip to Norway as well as other places if things allow. Will certainly bring the drone if it happens!