Hopium: Sky Lace & Hosting a Positive Attitude

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Sky Lace.jpg

"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer"
~ Albert Camus

I've learned, rather late in my life, that attitude is everything. At least this is true for me, based on my experiences of having travelled around on this big blue dot for more than 50 years. I surely wish that I'd learned this sooner in my life; however, perhaps there is just something developmental about coming to wisdom during later years, having wintered many moons and felt the tidal rising of many springs.

I recently learned a phrase from a Crypto Content Creator on YouTube: Hopium.

(Note: I consume a pletherora of crypto videos in any given day, so sadly, I cannot give proper credit as I do not remember who used the phrase... but perhaps by some quirk of fate and statistical anomaly, someone may know who the author is, and let me know so I can apply proper citation).

Circling back, the term HOPIUM has become integrated into my own lexicon to impart the sensational feeling of this dopamine delivering and seretonin surging attitude of hope, which may feel as good as opium (is said to feel, having never personally indulged).

While the new word is most certainly a cheeky portmanteau intended to caution against being anesthetized to truth while seeking only pleasure, it also signals that hope can be cultivated. I personally choose to use positive psychology to instill hope, and one of my favourite ways to ensure feeling positive and hopeful is to get outside with my camera. Contemplative Photography is a kind of ethnography where I insert myself more deeply into nature and use my lens to take field notes.

And, no matter the weather, season or frame of mind, once I journey out, my attitude first neutralizes, then begins to gather lightness as I look up, look beyond and look into the distance. The buzz of hope starts to sizzle.

Seeing how azure a winter sky can become, and setting it against the bare branches to reveal patterns of sky lace instills me with a rush of hopium.

Just like waking up today and seeing the lift of Bitcoin, EOS and the entire cryptosphere on the rise.

What is your HOPIUM?