
This is, how work should be: fun, fun, fun 😊

I work would make fun, then nobody would wake up frustrated in the morning, because he or she has to go to work.
But, apart from a few exceptions, the companies don't want their employees to have fun, because while somebody laughs, he or she cannot give 100%.

Bad words, and I know, I am completely wrong. I know, that the companies are thinking different nowadays, but just one little E-Mail this morning has made me think of the old times back in the beginnings of the last century, when workers hat to function and nothing more ...

Howdy again sir johannpiber! Is that the way your company is, they don't want you to have any fun while at work? You should be able to work AND have fun.

No, we laugh a lot, but there are just some stupid people around, but usually we also laugh at these.
And sometimes the stupidity is to bad to laugh, and this makes me angry, but not for long :) Your comment has caught me in such a moment. After writing my reply I felt better ;)

ok, I think I get a good picture of the work environment now, that was a good explanation. You speak such good English, I don't know how it's so good if you don't speak it at home. or do you?

Thank you very much @janton 😄
No, we don't speak English at home, but I liked this language from the first hour at school, and for quite a while I have had a girlfriend from England, but this is History 😎

Posted using Partiko Android

yeah that's shocking but ancient history. Does anyone in your job speak English?

We all learn English at school, but it is not needed in my Job.

Posted using Partiko Android

So if you start speaking in English at work no one would be able to understand you?