Photography | The traditional morning market of cold city takengon | Bilingual

in #photography7 years ago

Hallo steemians..!!!

today I share a picture of Takengon city.

Takengon, familiar to the people of Aceh, Takengon famous for its coffee and tourist places are very beautiful and natural with the cold air so that in the nicknames as the country above the cloud

takengon, tidak asing lagi di kalangan masyarakat Aceh, takengon terkenal dengan kopi dan tempat wisatanya yang sangat cantik dan alami dengan udaranya yang dingin sehingga di juluki sebagai negeri diatas awan.

Well .. a little I want to tell my journey to takengon yesterday, often have been to takengon but unfortunately just yesterday morning I visited the market takengon takengon was also famous for fresh vegetables and fruits.

Nah.. sedikit saya ingin menceritakan perjalanan saya ke takengon kemarin, sering sudah ke takengon tapi sayang baru kemarin pagi saya mengunjungi pasar pagi takengon ternyata takengon juga terkenal dengan sayur-sayur segar dan buah buahan.

after getting to the market morning takengon I was silent to see the morning activities in the market, ranging from the order of the parking is neat, the market is also clean, ranging from fresh vegetables and many others.

setelah sampai ke pasar pagi takengon saya sempat terdiam melihat aktifitas pagi di pasar tersebut, mulai dari tatanan parkirnya yang rapi, pasarnya juga bersih, mulai dari sayur segarnya dan banyak lain.

when I was around to glance at fresh vegetables, a skinny grandmother had wrinkled and called in a subtle tone, stop by ....
I went to the grandmother, then the grandmother offered me guava red heart, then I asked how much the price of a kilogram?

the grandmother also answered cheap nak ..., only 5000 rupiah perkilogramnya, I bought it 2 kg, not out of pity but because in the city I live the red guava heart is rare we find.

disaat saya keliling melirik-lirik sayuran segar, seorang nenek kulit sudah keriput lalu memanggil dengan nada halus, Mampir nak....
saya pun menghampiri nenek tersebut, lalu nenek tersebut menawarkan saya jambu merah hati, lalu saya menanyakan berapa harga se kilogramnya?
nenek tersebutpun menjawab murah nak..., hanya 5000 rupiah perkilogramnya, saya pun membelinya 2 kg, bukan karena kasihan tapi karena di kota saya tinggal jambu merah hati tersebut sudah langka kita temukan.

not only vegetables and make fresh, I was offered a kind of banana fruit by the grandmother who cost only 3000 a bottle, and I bought two bottles because I pity to see the grandmother with the skin that already keripun still seek sustenance and not begging or begging, I was reminded of my parents, here I also invite friends steemit to buy fresh vegetables in the market takengon morning

tidak hanya sayur dan buat segar, saya pun di tawarkan buah sejenis pete oleh nenek tersebut yang harganya cuma 3000 satu botol, dan ini saya beli dua botol karena saya kasihan melihat nenek tersebut dengan kulit yang sudah keripun masih saja mencari rezeki dan tidak meminta-minta atau mengemis, saya pun teringat akan orang tua saya, disini saya juga mengajak teman-teman steemit untuk membeli sayur segar di pasar pagi takengon

never doubt my photography is very happy if you comment


This is my entry on @juliank's photocontest for Monday.

The theme is #foodphotography

Monday: #foodphotography and #animalphotography
Tuesday: #landscapephotography and #cityscapephotography
Wednesday: #architecturalphotography and #vehiclephotography
Thursday: #macrophotography and #colourfulphotography
Friday: #streetphotography and #portraitphotography
Saturday: #sportsphotography and #smartphonephotography
Sunday: #goldenhourphotography and #longexposurephotography