Open your Eyes; See and Listen for once - Light Painting Portrait
Hold it!
That's actually her hand. She is holding in her thoughts and is listening to what's around her.
There is no Photoshop involved in the creation of the shot. Just a single exposure photogrpah.
Listen and See > open your eyes!
Once again that is a single exposure Light Painting Portrait. It is Jane again. She and I met during the LightUpBerlin already back in 2019 and said right away to collaborate again. Together with Alex (her boyfriend), we did already some time ago. Going through the archives I find more and more gems I should share I guess.
Jane is an experienced model for many years and had shootings all around the world. She is super diverse and extra confident in her poses. Together with the Spanish LightPainters she also got already a few Light Painting sessions of holding still instead of moving from one pose to another. Check out her Instagram
So let us listen for a while and take in.
I hope it was somewhat inspirational. If you have more questions please do not hesitate. I am happy to share my knowledge.

Gunnar Heilmann Photogrpahy
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