Getting Excited About Autumn Photo Shoot

I know we usually all gather here for the food, but with yesterday being October 1st I really wanted to share some inspiration to get out and enjoy the natural beauty if you live in the Northern Hemisphere.
Anyway, I went for a little walk a few days ago and came home with the most surprisingly beautiful shots that just make me so happy to look at. Tell me what your favorite things about Autumn are!

ALL CONTENT IS MINE AND ORIGINAL! All of these food photos were taken with my Nikon D750 and my favorite Lens, the Nikon AF-S FX NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8G. You can find out more in my INTRO POST.
Also, a huge shoutout to @rigaronib for designing my logo!
If you're looking for more recipes check out some of my other recent posts!
Also, I've been starting to vlog in case you missed it.

Beautiful garden.The trees seem like flashes like the sun's light.Thanks a lot for sharing it among us.
Amazing fall shots!
Only thing that stinks about autumn 🍂 is winter ❄️ comes next. Beautiful yes but I need my summer weather
OMG wonderful shots, thanks for sharing and happy autumne my dear♥️♥️@gringalicious
thanks so much @injiskitchen
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Such great photographies indeed.
My favourite thing about autumn is invariably this beautiful weather. What else!? :)
thanks so much for taking the time to comment
Photography looks pro level! B)
thanks so much, so good to hear from you
Gorgeous shots, all of them!!
you are always so kind and supportive, thanks so much
It’s spring in Sydney so we are getting the opposite season to each other ... I love the autumn leaves
I'm not looking forward to winter this year. I did not get enough of summer. Enjoy your spring
You have a wonderful eye @gringalicious. Your food photography is exquisite, but you should use the camera more often in this way :)
very kind of you to say, thanks so much @lighteye
Every photos clicked by professional photographer.
thanks so much for the kind words