BAUFOTO - Dog Photo Stories Chapter 6: "Piff"
This is Pierfrancesco, but his friends call him Piff.
Ivana (his human) is a friend of mine, just like most of the dogs I have photographed, Piff was also rescued from a dog shelter.
To be honest, when I started my Baufoto dog photography project I was expecting most of my clients would be mid-aged upper middle or higher class people with purebred dogs, but instead what happened was that most of my clients are young, non-rich people with mixed blood dogs rescued from shelters - a great and pleasant surprise!
A few months ago I was going back from Padua to my hometown Pula (Croatia) and so I met up with Ivana to take a few shots of her four-legged friend.
This is Mr.. Pierfrancesco :)

I'm a photographer living in Padua, Italy specialized in photographing dogs, my dog photography project is called BAUFOTO (Italian dogs go "bau" instead of "woof" :) )
I have photographed over a 100 dogs and in the next weeks I would like to introduce you to them by posting every week a short story about one of them accompanied with a few photos, so if you think it could be interesting for you feel free to follow me :)