Kuala Lumpur - Colour Street Photography

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

I posted a few black and white street photos of KL yesterday. I thought it might be a nice contrast to post a few colour pics.

Twin Towers from Kampung Baru.jpg

This shot was taken from Kampung Baru. In the distance you can see the Petronas Towers. Kampung Baru is one stop on the LRT from KLCC, right in the heart of KL. I used to live in Kuching, Sarawak. There were a few Kampungs (or villages) along the river in the centre of town. I used to enjoy wandering through those Kampungs, you could see the city centre across the river, but felt you were in old Malaysia. You still had that connection with nature and village life. Sadly this is fast disappearing across Malaysia and with it that sense of village community. Anyway liked seeing the towers framed by the Palm trees here. Thanks to our friend Anne who showed me this spot.

Kampung Baru


This next few shots were taken around Brickfields and Little India in KL. I went wandering about just before the Diwali or Deepavali festival last October. People were just starting to prepare for the festival so it was a good time to take some street shots as everyone was distracted by the activity and buzz in the air.

Near Brickfields

Shut eye.jpg

I don't often shoot from the hip, mainly because I'm no good at it. The amount of times I've tried and the framing or focus are all over the place put me off over the years. Don't get me wrong some photographers have really mastered the art. Anyway this was more shot from the belly, I had a couple of seconds and I was close enough to the stall holder to be confident enough of the framing. I like all the colours and textures of the clothing in the background, the soft natural light and the look on the mans face. I did feel a bit uncomfortable knowing he was unaware I was taking his photograph. It felt like I was literally taking... or stealing his picture. Usually if people are aware I am taking shots of them I will try to gauge if they are comfortable with it. I try to read body language and how people view me. If I don't think they are comfortable I will move on. Others may have their own opinions but this is my ethical stance.


Imaginery Forrest.jpg

This girls was wearing her traditional Indian dress... Sari? I'm not sure I'm no expert. Anyway she was sitting under a marquee and behind is the screen hiding a building site. The posters a forest scene along with her traditional clothing gave the scene a kind of magical surreal quality. But the fact that she is on her mobile phone breaks the spell. I thought this was funny.


A moments contemplation.jpg

This shot struck me for a few reasons. I really like the lighting and sympathetic colours of the background and the woman's dress. It feels like a story here, or a still from a film. Is she waiting for someone? If so who? I do sometimes read into pictures too much, but an image can fire your imagination. I also like the newspapers on the windows of the shut-up shop. It gives the scene a kind of loneliness.


Man on wire.jpg

I just think this is funny because it's like a tiny man on a high-wire

Near Masjid Jamek


Just a very typical KL scene. People relaxing and chatting at a bus stop, no rush lah. Typical big city Kampung feel.

Kampung Datuk Karamat


When you leave KLCC heading north east on LRT Kelana Jaya Line the next stop is Ampang Park. This is full of skyscrapers and international companies, embassies etc. After Ampang Park the skyscrapers quickly fall away and the next few stations you pass though predominately malay kampung reservations. I like to wander around these areas to take pictures. Don't get me wrong, there are busy roads and it's not exactly peaceful and quiet, but there are some interesting back streets and it does retain a community feel.

I was framing this shot of the old wooden house and fence with washed-out blue, well aware the wee girl with the broom and the street sweeper where approaching, they were obviously aware of me too. The street sweeper just ignored me but the girls stared at the camera.

Anyway. I hope you got something from me sharing my shots and thoughts.