On set for a new BBC TV light drama in Liverpool
On April (2017) I had a part in a BBC drama called 'Moving On' which is a 'Series of daytime plays set in contemporary Britain, all sharing the theme of someone going through some kind of change in their life' - IMDB. I played a character called Ashkir Dalmar who is part of a couple getting married in a registry office, it will be aired later this year. I got to work with some great UK actors and crew in good old Liverpool, UK, stayed at the Jurys Inn hotel, Albert Dock for 3 days courtesy of the production company and had 1 day to look around that lovley city..if you ever get a chance visit Liverpool, it's a great city!
Here's some photos:
The Director, my onscreen wife and myself.

Fellow actor and myself

Good old Liveropool grub (food) - pie, green peas, chips and gravy

Random wall and building

A View from my hotel room

Liverpool Albert Dock

On set chilling in the green room (where we wait before we start)

The director and myself (camera is a little blurred)

Hard at work

On screen wife and myself

And thats all folks!
rubbing shoulders with the stars ... impressive!
Thats how I roll!
Great picture. Love the smile
Thanks @sunshinetraveler
Haha, you seem to be a really happy person. I kinda like you without knowing you.
Cheers from Switzerland.
Feel free to check my last post, maybe you’ll like it! <3
Cheers @troilo, will do.
Enjoy the great time Brother.
Very nice! Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Your welcome.