The Seven Day B&W Challenge - Day Seven
Thanks again to @ballinconscious for putting me up as a nominee for this fun exercise.
So, without further ado...

Thanks again to @ballinconscious for putting me up as a nominee for this fun exercise.
So, without further ado...
So profound! The image speaks to my very soul. Having the pineapple as the sole subject has numerous implications that I couldn't even begin to enumerate. The sharp, uninviting exterior, betrays the fact that the fruit encased inside is a succulent bounty of sweet and sour. Much like in life, it isn't our place to judge other people's exterior. If we take enough time to carve through their facade, we could discover the rich and vivid personality they hold in their core.
Every bite of the pineapple is worth savoring, not unlike the many moments in life that we may take for granted. We need to squeeze every last drop, ever passing second that our borrowed time allows. Only then do we fully realize the potential that has been given to us. Great subject for the final day!
Damn! Man, where did that come from? Listen, you gotta write another story soon... The sheer talent you have with expressive imagination and rich wording is ridiculous.
You are amazing, my bro!
Haha I don't know about that. I have written stories, but I'm thinking if I should publish them on Steemit. Fiction isn't what it used to be here Cliques and groups have really put a damper on the whole experience. It's hard being excluded from all the comment action haha
I hear you, bro. But I see this making serious headway next year. Continue to leave your mark of excellence on Steemit. The readers will come. As hard as it is, try to steer clear of "Steemit politics". Concentrate on "you" first and foremost. You've garnered some incredible friends and respect here.
Yeah, exactly, that's why I'm seriously thinking of moving on from this platform. It often seems like if I don't have a certain username, or high enough SP or reputation, people won't even bother opening my posts. Especially now with the incoming new members, more people are going to be making it all about themselves. No place in the Steemit sea for an old minnow like me haha
I'm proud of the friends I've gathered through the comments. Their continued support is what keeps me coming back. Once I figure out a way to continue the communication beyond the platform then it's all good.
did pineapple pizza become illegal in Iceland after all? If not, it should be! haha lovely shot again mr @ezzy ;)
Lol, thank you, @beautifulbullies! If pineapple should ever become illegal, just call me a criminal already! :)
Exercise black and white photos are very cool and fun. I imagine how delicious the pineapple is. Great. May always be successful for you @ezzy. :-)
Nice one, bud. :)
Ha! Here I came looking to catch up on your fiction and you, too, are in this photo challenge, lol. I'm pretty sure every single person on Steemit has been tagged at this point :)
Yours is actually a good photo! I love the contrast of the white wall with the shadow and nothin' but pineapple! I'm off to see what else you've got going. I've been away from Steemit for so long!
Lol. Yeah, I think it's cool to get a snapshot into a few steemians life and discover some "mysterious" aspects of their life so that it could open up further possible engagement later on. quite a nice idea.
And thanks for the comments about the picture. I tried to be as "stylistic" as I could. Not sure how much it translated across though, lol. :)
Much, it's very good!
I want it cut in half, hollowed out to be a bowl and then some chicken teriyaki put in there with the cut up pineapple taken from it and then I want to put it on some rice. Edit: that's how this picture speaks to me.
Lol! Well, that's something I've yet to try! Cool idea! :)
I feel pretty confident that this is a pineapple; I want it sliced up and put on my pizza. Or, I want it cut in half, hollowed out to be a bowl and then some chicken teriyaki put in there with the cut up pineapple taken from it and then I want to put it on some rice. Edit: that's how this picture speaks to me.
Lol! I'll take you up on that suggestion! I can't get enough of pineapple hence it being a huge deal in my life. Life without this fruit just wouldn't be the same, lol...
Ok, so now I get it! 😂
Lol... Yes, that fruit is "DA BOMB"!!! :)
Aw no! Never on a pizza, But deliscious in every other way,shape or form, yummie🤗
outstanding photography..
good luck for sevendaybnwchallenge
thank's for sharing@ezzy
Many thanks, man. :)
A distinctive and neat picture
Cool b&w @ezzy, you take photo so good
Nice. :)
That pineapple has become a pretty good return on investment. Nice one!
Lol. Thanks, bud... :)