Hemp = Happiness!! Fun Times In Belize With EarthAngels. ๐๐
Q: Is it true that EarthAngels is starting a band??
A: Perhaps. But it wouldn't be like this.
Or this... because we need Michael and Skinny <--- the REAL musician!
We were in Mexico City, at the end of our Belize trip. There was a gorgeous rooftop garden we were determined to enjoy... even when it started getting COLD up there! Derek and I talked and shivered, while Gus and Juan went to the room to get stuff to warm us up. This is what happened. ๐คฃ
Q: What is Juan's totem animal?
A: C'mon, guess.
Q: Why would any small biz owner paint "Dickhead" on the outside of their own fresh coconut water stand? ๐ฅฅ
A: Because it gets laughs, attention, and customers who are happy to pull over, and get a GALLON of coconut water hacked open, and poured fresh while you wait. Even a group of racing cyclists stopped. This is off-topic, but do you agree with Renato's shirt, that trimming sucks? โ๏ธ๐ฟ
There's a lot of legislative progress happening in the US regarding its still-backwards position on industrial hemp, but it remains a heavy, burdensome reality.
During this trip, and daily thereafter, our core team works on strategy and networking to cover more of the earth with hemp. In the midst of that, it is good and necessary to also HAVE FUN... lest we forget why we do what we do.
Sending you big heart-smiles. ๐๐ฑ
A l s o . R e c e n t l y . P u b l i s h e d .
๐ How to decide the fate of testicles that don't belong to you.
Really nice post @erikaharris! My friend have created awesome Steemit t-shirt and I want to share it with our amazing community! More detailed pictures are here:
Lovely photos Guys. Enjoy your weekend :)
Thanks, @hanen. You, too! ๐
What is that mural? It looks cool but weird to see frog with muscles :-)
@gvincentjosephm, ikr?! That's one ripped frog, eh? Not to mention his dreads!
It was on the side of an art gallery/furniture store... but would probably make more sense on the side of a gym. ๐๐พโโ๏ธ
Looks like fun nice shots ๐ฏ๐
I'm glad you asked about Renato's shirt because I was thinking of bringing it up. Although the job can be extremely tedious, in no way shape or form does it suck. You wouldn't catch me dead in one of these shirts or sporting one of the stickers! I think if someone thinks it sucks they should probably find something else to do. I believe it's supposed to a joke but I don't find it to be very funny, not really.
It's a lot of work and some people aren't cracked up for it. I hear enough complaining about the work while in the trim room so when I saw someone with one of those bumper stickers for the first time I was like, aw shucks... Now I get to hear complaints while driving too :'D Anyways hemp textiles are and always will be the way to go when it comes to clothing. Synthetics are what suck! Thanks for the update, I enjoyed it and all the photos โก
When I was little, one of my summer chores was to de-string the green beans my Grandad grew. And also shuck and de-silk the corn he grew. I loved the time spent outdoors with my Grandma... breeze blowing, her humming. But the tiny tedium of removing those vegetable threads... I COULD have worn a shirt that said, "Shucking corn sucks!" Or "De-stringing beans, sucks!" lmao
But because of an impossible-to-describe partnership I feel with cannabis -- it's relational -- trimming is to me more like grooming or caring for a lover, than it is a tedious task.
I'm also from Illinois, where access has always been difficult. So I elevate snipping buds all day, to arranging giant bowls of forbidden fruit to their most beautiful proportion, with a meditative calm. Aum. Snip. :-)
Every gorgeous creation is a rebellious act. How cool is that?