The woodpeckers are quite omnivorous. In summer they mainly pick insect larvae from under the bark of trees, and in winter they feed on nuts and acorns, which they dig in a kind of "anvils" placing them on trees. Those I met with pleasure distributed acorns found on the ground sitting on trees.
The woodpeckers climb trees perfectly thanks to their sharp claws and strong legs, and they look very organic on trees. When I met one of the woodpeckers on the ground, I noticed with a smile their resemblance to penguins, funny to jump with rather short legs and proudly pick their beak, but this is a purely subjective comparison.
Shooting woodpeckers is not easy, they are very shy and very attentive. If you don't make any noise or pose a threat, the woodpecker who notices you will simply move to the opposite side of the tree to disappear from your sight. So if you notice a woodpecker on a tree, there are only a few moments before the woodpecker sees you. For these shots, I could use the wonderful granite-11 telephoto zoom lens. Its variable focal length of 80-200mm is enough to take pictures of birds like this.
And this handsome guy I met in another photo shoot and somewhere else. I had in my hands a wonderful 3m5a ms reflex lens for 500mm focal length and was able to capture the woodpecker breathing out of the tree bark of insect larvae even closer.
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wow nice photos. In last photo to see woodpeker face seems a little angry XD