I see, I guess I misread that part.
Next time, tell a story and if you could include a piece of paper that says Steemit + date + @crystalvalley on another shot that would be better cause it will prove it's your story. It's weird that the Korean society is not even seeing this
큰아버지가 소유하고 계셨습니다만, 그 큰아버지도 돌아가셨네요.
큰어머니만 계셔서 아직 텃밭을 가꾸고 계십니다.
I see, I guess I misread that part.
Next time, tell a story and if you could include a piece of paper that says Steemit + date + @crystalvalley on another shot that would be better cause it will prove it's your story. It's weird that the Korean society is not even seeing this