Listening to Tausiyah Akbar Ustad Habib Hanif Al Athos in Idi

in #photography7 years ago

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Ustad Habib Hanif Al-Athos

Alhamdulillah tonight can directly see the figure of Ustad Habib Hanif Al Athos, The usual only just see through ig. This time can be directly in front of him. although only can see from a distance.
And his tausiyah about the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW, is very good. Especially when he started to mention the name of the Prophet Muhammad SAW immediately goosebumps and feel like crying remembers sin.
Subhanaallah ........
thank you Ustad has been visiting in our area and give tausiyah extraordinary.

Ustad Habib Hanif Al-Athos

......... Alhamdulillah malam ini bisa langsung melihat sosok Ustad Habib Hanif Al Athos, Yang biasa cuma hanya melihat lewat ig .kali ini bisa langsung berada dihadapan beliau. walaupun hanya bisa melihat dari kejauhan.

Dan tausiyah beliau mengenai Maulid Nabi Besar Muhammad SAW,Sangatlah bagus. Apalagi sewaktu beliau mulai menyebutkan nama Nabi Besar Muhammad SAW langsung merinding dan rasanya ingin menangis mengingat dosa.


Subhanaallah ........ terima kasih Ustad sudah berkunjung di daerah kami dan memberi tausiyah yang luar biasa.