
Tier: Professional

I had a close encounter with a brown bear in Macedonia a few weeks ago, but I was happy to get away with my life and didn't dare to make a sudden movement to get my camera out. So instead, here's a photo from an Elephant in Udawalawe NP in Sri Lanka. It was the first Safari I did and while it was cool to see some animals up close, I wasn't too happy with my shots and sitting in the jeep for a few hours made me tired, I prefer more active travelling.


Seeing the elephants on my safari was one of the coolest experiences. Cool shot.

Glad that you´re back with your contest. Here is my Entry for this week.

A Red necked Wallaby in Queensland Australia

Tier: Amateur

Great capture! How cute! Memories...

thank you! only good memories when see Australia photos.

Great shot. I want one for a pet.

Hi! Here is my entry:


Tier: Amateur

Such a cool shot. I love the depth of field.

Very nice to see your contest ... and seems I dropped by at the exact right time when I look at the theme!

Tier: Professional

Tier: Amateur

I've recently returned from Kenya and Tanzania so I'm flush with choices for this one - I'm going to go with the always elusive Leopard. I also tend do wildlife photography in mono as I think it add some power, and often the animals are the same colour as the background so this adds punch.

Samburu Leopard.jpg

Full post here:

I miss Tanzania. I can't wait to go back and go on another safari. Such a cool shot.

Excellent shot. I wish I could get some shots of a bald eagle out in the wild.

Thanks man, just head up to the PNW and bring plenty of memory cards!

Here is my entry, a squirrel monkey eating an ice cream bean I photographed in Costa Rica. These guys don't sit still for long so capturing shots of them can be a tricky business!

Squirrel monkey with ice cream bean original.JPG
Tier Amateur

This is such an awesome shot. I love the expression. It is like he is trying to hide from the camera.

Walking to the horizon post.
Giraffes are amazing animals and when there are many together they are even more spectacular. I waited patiently for them to line up as they were walking to the horizon. For more about the giraffes I saw in Kenya see my last post Olmeut, which is Maa for giraffe.

Tier: Professional

Now you are making me miss Africa! Great shot.

Oh, the pressure! Thank you again for choosing this topic for this week's contest @derangedvisions! I made a post to try and give some more exposure to the contest:

And here is the photo; it was taken in Uda Wallawe National Park, in Sri Lanka. A changeable hawk-eagle was perched, scouting the surroundings, and allowed us to get close enough to take decent photos!
Tier: amateur


Great shot man!

Thank you! Was saving this one for a special ocasion ;)