Cobwebs > Art || Prague's art schools' displays

in #photography7 years ago (edited)


Often times, I go to these art displays and galleries and I am there, as pretty much everyone, with the purpose of seeing some sweet art. Especially, when you go to art schools' displays you usually see some really interesting pieces that really leave you standing there and think for a bit.

There's one art school in Prague called UMPRUM (translated to Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague) that holds showing of the students' diploma projects. This even really never fails to deliver.

Plus there's wine.

Funnily enough, what I always find interesting is that during these diploma work showings there's this one window that's usually open with a ever-present cobweb in it through which the Prague Castle peaks.


So yeah, rather than showing you the displayed art, I'll just leave you here with these two photographs of mentioned cobwebs that are always a feast for my eyes.


Ahoj! Nic mi do toho není, ale když si místo #czech dáš #cesky , tak se Ti ozve asi 30 lidí.

Ahoj, díky za tip! Příště udělám

Můžeš i zpětně do stáří 6 dnů... Uvidíš.

To sice ano, ale když se článek nezobrazí mezi nejnovějšími, stejně si ho málokdo všimne :)

@depoying: ahoj, vítám tě mezi námi :) Kdyby sis něčím nevěděl rady, klidně se ptej.

Ahoj, děkuju. Kdyžtak se na tebe obrátím ;)