A nice cafe in the park ... before I heard jazz. 公園裡的咖啡角落
This is basically a photography post. You can pretty much see what I want to share. Apology for mentioning this place so many times for the past few posts, as really it gave us several surprises - an interesting space, a really good coffee corner as I am about to show you below, and the encounter of a jazz concert in the park. All happened during our recent two visits to this station/park.
The last thing I am gonna say is that this cafe, Louisa Coffee, a local cafe franchise, is a rising competitor to Starbucks. As a consumer, it's always good to see more competition. And this one has got a superb location! :)
這個咖啡館是 Louisa Coffee最近新竄起的本土咖啡品牌,先是主打小店面外帶,成功後最近開始展大店面,欲與星那個巴克一爭天下的心不言可喻!做為消費者,我們樂見競爭,而且這一間位置超棒,那天我們也在這裡吃了晚餐,以後一定會常來的~~~
From here on are the photos for the Jazz in the park 森林裡的爵士樂 ... ^^
Proof of Parenting
Equipment: Sony Xperia UA1 smartphone
I think that's just a boy who happened to be sitting next to you. Where's the dated piece of paper that says Steemit on it, and @deanliu's son? 😬✌️😂
Looks like it's still fairly warm in Taipei. I'm jealous. It's getting cold over here.
you've got a point. there is a reference you can check, but again who knows if I just posted photos from a friend's? now since you mentioned, I start to doubt if you are really an American living in Japan with 2 kids.... maybe you are just an AI bot in a Google DC trained to be this character ... 😬✌️😂
Cold is good for bots.
I'm really a Japanese Android living in America with two cats. I'm impervious to cold;)
I love coffee shops, and I find all of them very interesting. I have a pinterest account where I collect photos of the most romantic coffee shops around the world, and would love to add these to it, with your permission. it is at https://www.pinterest.com/authorjohnnyray/the-most-romantic-coffee-shops-in-the-world/
that would be my honor. please go ahead. :) only these photos aren't good enough. I hope I can take some better ones next time I go there.
Thank you, and I will look forward to your future post, my friend
I like all the photos that you had posted here and all are real great you have the skills be a great photographer
wow ! Nice post and some photos is very nice
Thats really awesome

Awesome post :) thanks for the post
Good post, I always like your post.
Thanks you @deanliu for sharing information
Looks a bit quite. Wonder if it was the concert that stole away the customers
probably. but it was sunday night and the park is really big. :)
hmm.. unless there are other cafes there, I'd expect more people.
me your vote and follow and you