LOVE is an act of expression where you show your feeling towards a person.
A PERSON who loved expresses emotions truly and convey thru actions.
ACTIONS OF LOVE can be manifested by way of:
You do anything for him,
You prioritizes more of him beyond your own needs,
You will always think of him,
You’re not afraid of showing your feeling even everyone is watching upon you,
You think no one could hinder you despite of imperfections,
You think for a long-term relationship,
Happiness around you is always present.

A DESIRE TO LOVE is not because you like a specific person by simply mere attraction. But you have undergone observations, done things to go deeper, know more about one’s personality and behavior and if all of these things has been reached out, you are ready for a certain relationship. HERE A DESIRE TO LOVE COMES IN.
Hope you like these QOUTES guys! For all who has desires to fall in love. Thank you.
source: facebook image (prenup wedding)
Done @cutiekate
very nice