๐ ๐ป Ghosts at the Skateboard Park ๐ป ๐
Last year I did a few Steemit posts about Fourth Union Skate, a skateboarding park which is housed in the historic Carousel building on the south side of the Asbury Park boardwalk:
Well, it looks like either this skateboard park has bit the dust, or maybe it's just undergoing a renovation of some kind.
It was pretty much deserted this cold and windy afternoon, except for a few nuts like me that decided to breach a partially opened construction entrance to get a glimpse inside and capture a few images.
It was rather creepy, as the building is very old and in terrible repair. I'm talking about concrete floors with gaping holes and rickety stairways that lead to an underground floor that I couldn't summon the courage to descend and explore.
Even without venturing to its dimly lit basement level, I had this weird feeling while walking around that a chunk of the concrete ceiling might fall and take me out ๐ฑ
I really enjoy taking photos of neglected buildings and structures in an attempt to document a view of how they currently exist, but may never exist that way again. If that makes any sense ...
I hope you enjoy these images and thanks for stopping by, @cognoscere
Checkout these links if you'd like to see Fourth Union Skate in action, want to learn more about the old Asbury Park carousel, or if you're curious about Harif Guzman, the NYC artist who painted the 2015 Haculla Lives mural at this skate park, a small portion of which is shown below.

Harif Guzman, the NYC artist who painted the 2015 Haculla Lives.

I wasn't about to chance walking down those stairs!!!

An ancient bike rack.

The change box from an old newspaper machine that was located inside the building.

- All images @cognoscere and taken on Sunday March 25th, 2018 at the old Casino and Carousel buildings at the south end of the boardwalk in Asbury Park, New Jersey ( Sony DSC RX100M5)
Let's hope it's going to be renovated @cognoscere. It looks like it has a lot of potential.
i share your love of old and abandoned buildings. So many stories to tell.
Your photographs are very evocative. Thanks for sharing them! ๐
If it does get renovated, I'll likely do another Steemit post about it. Thanks for stopping by and for the kind words!
You've just reminded me of an interesting abandoned building I should be near this weekend @cognoscere. If the weather clears up I'll go and photograph it.
it actually was sold at auction last year but the new owner has left it in it's decrepit state. It's an old house with an interesting history sitting on a small cliff top on the Devon coast. ๐
Probably a good call on not going downstairs. They could have easily collapsed. Then you'd be in trouble.
It's interesting seeing buildings like that. At one point it was new and shiny. There was probably some fanfare and excitement as it opened. It would be interesting to know the story behind how it got built, and why it fell into disrepair. Things don't just collapse for a no reason. Why did it stop getting kept up? When was the decision made to shutter it? How long have people been sneaking in anyways? :)
Much of Asbury has been in a funk since at least the late 70s. There have been a number of attempts to try and revitalize it, but it just never seems to fully latch on. If I had to speculate, I'd say plenty of mismanagement and probably a sprinkling or two of corruption and palm greasing.
That's too bad. It's sad that so much good could be done, but can get missed or removed by mismanagement or "other reasons." It's really a shame.
I really like how you enjoy documenting abandoned or neglected places. You capture a moment in time. A lot of abandoned houses will be torn down. Some places will be renovated. Things like old skates might not seem interesting to some but they existed and were part of a part of history.
My sentiments exactly!!!
I took a look at your original post (thanks for including the link). The place looked so fun and alive last year. I hope they're planning something amazing for that space!
Will have to just wait and see. There are definitely signs of a rebuild.
Grand building in it's day. Good to capture these old structures before they disappear. Without the pictures all that is left is a written description. Not good enough in my opinion.
I agree with you!
Very nice. I do remember those photos. :)
you said
Yes, it makes total sense!
I'm glad you didn't venture down those stairs too. Great photos of the skateboard wheels and the windows.....they'd make a great piece of art.
Thanks!!! Yeah, I was contemplating taking a walk downstairs, but ultimately thought the better of it. It did really have me curious as to what could have been down there.
Very intresting photography
I like your photography becoz you posted many different type pics
Actually these location has scary looks. Antique and old condtions seems. But you have to pass taken best captures @cognoscere.
You got some good shots. Thanks for sharing i like abandoned areas
Me too, thanks for stopping by!!!
Amazing structuring part. Re-builder location captured @cognoscere. Best choice-able ones. Smart patterns.