Apple planting

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Apple planting is one of many occupations that I have in my life. I was born and raised in a big city and I have never thought that I will invest money in apple planting. One of my closest friends is born and raised at mountain village, where this plantation from picture is and while we have visited his parents house, idea was born. Let's grow apples here! He was delighted with idea and long term partnership beside long term friendship was born.


We have built apple plantation at 5ha of land in a small village called Guberevac. Closest city is Čačak, around 40 km from here.



There are three varieties of apples that we have. Golden Delicious, Gala and Braeburn.


Golden Delicious is my favorite. It it very tasty but it is most difficult to grow. You have to take care about many things if you wanna grow First Class Golden Delicious apple.


Gala and Braeburn are red varieties of apple. Gala's colour is red mixed with yellow and Braeburn is red apple. Both are very delicious also.



This place is beside being decent business, my escape from the big city. I really enjoy spending my time here with my family and friends. Clean air, beautiful nature and business there. Perfect combination for me...



Па после кажу људи „не расте Apple на дрвећу!“ Него шта расте? Бицикле, можда?


Требало је да стоји ова слика:

Без шале, сјајну ствар радиш, @cicbar. Све најбоље ти желим и да прошириш плантажу макар једним пластеником Грени Смит сорте :)

Hvala 😀 Sad sam krenuo da sadim borovnice. Svake godine po pola hektara, polako se širim. Ne želim da se proširim previše, ne treba mi prevelika firma.

Где пласираш производе, @cicbar?

Uglavnom su otkupljivali robu hladnjačari iz Topole i Guče. Nismo imali većih problema sa prodajom robe do sada. Jedini problem koji smo imali je mraz. Dve godine zaredom nam je kompletno uništio rod...

Да, временске прилике су непредвидиве, али је добро да имаш решен проблем пласмана, @cicbar. Земља је убедљиво најпаметнија инвестиција која се може учинити. После ње крипто :)

Е, кад смо код тога, види ове вести:

Slažem se :-) Dobra ideja za plate u BTC :-)

@cicbar, прорадио ми клизач на Скоруму :)

Све је то твоја заслуга, велико ти хвала!

👍 😃

Nice one
#dats my best fruit

Planting apple is a nice occupation that is worth doing
#apple is one of the fruit that is good for the body

my favourite fruit

Wow apple plant , l like apple . I am never seen apple plant . Your place is very nice and beautiful photography .
Thanks for sharing @cicbar

You welcome!

I assume the nets are there to protect the fruit from the birds!

No :-) It is protection from the Hail :-)

I use a canon is that a good camera to use?

I really don't know...

Wow very grateful photography I like it natural photography my friend. thank you so much.

If there were a chance to grow apple tree in our country i will plant like you.

What a nice place

Wow!! So nice all picture