Forgetting to live the present

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Most of the strongest leaders and achievers take some time to relax and reflect. They realize that life is not only about work, that it's important to enjoy it too.


We often postpone things we want to do for later. We try to convince ourselves that enjoyment will come "When we have more money... When We have more time... When the kids are out of the house... After retirement" It's almost as if we have forgotten that we are not living in the future, we are here now and today is just as good as any.

Of course it's important to plan ahead, but its just as important to be balanced, to realize that life is happening right now.

"Life is what happens when we are busy making plans"-John Lennon

Hope everyone is having a productive weekend...



Happiness is in living your life for a purpose.

Setting aside time for what's important to us today is imperative to living a happy life. Planning is different from wishful thinking as you probably know. I like the quote you mentioned that life is what happens when we are busy making plans. It means a lot to me. As far as I'm concerned, planning comes first, then focusing on the everyday task at hand comes next. Everything we do should automatically contribute to the 'bigger plan'. That means we don't have to sit down and review our plans every single day if we already know we're headed the right direction.

I love this. It's really eye-opening

Yeah u r right...

Dear @chbartist I am here to reply your work as photograph piece...
My first contact was the picture.
But, you planed to reveal thoughts a bit different than what you can see with this shot.
But lets start from something.

I made those faults too, looking the future losing the present and forgetting the past.
When we were young, we were looking to play, have fun and trying to reveal our thoughts without trying to hide "bad" sides.
Planing our future makes our present more organised and effective in our entire life. This helps us gather and memorize situations and time-frozen memories so after few hours, days, weeks, even years we will be able to remember those memories and reveal them in front of us once again. So powerful, so beautiful, so alive like you leave them once more.

The photograph, now, shows me the power of frozen time. This might be a shot from the past, with a nice black&white kodak camera, or it could be a modern technological shot, with dslr, post produced and published.
The meaning? The same.
Power of photography. Freezes the time, revealing the true image of life, time, and body position.

Nice work (as photographer) I would like to see more info about the shot, if those would be available...

I love your thought. <3

This is a great reminder for my self and anyone else. Last few months I've been focusing a lot more on my work for Design and less on my "playfulness time".

The more I focused on work, the more tiny habits that kept me focused and balanced fell off the place. Like journaling, going out for a walk with no phone, playing with my dog more often, etc.

I'm naturally a bit more of a goer and don't sit still, so I do rest and relax by doing some other stuff.

BIGGEST INSIGHT: I've noticed after dropping the small habits, like being mindful of a beautiful day, just observing the nature, and being more present.

I started getting way more tired. My sleep went up from usual 6 hours to almost 8, mood swings etc.

It's almost a paradox that by being disciplined to mindfulness I receive more out of life.

It makes you really think if you're taking on something, what are you giving away?

i learnt alot from it

Nicely said!
Where else is inspiration, drive and energy supposed to come from? It’s exactly those moments of joy, peace and love that give us the impetus we need in order to be productive and creative. Integrating tranquility in our daily lives is quite essential, I think. 🙂

asi es... hay que vivir el recorrido, disfrutar el camino ,porque quizás eso que "queremos" y que pensamos que esta al final de la montaña, lo dejamos pasar sin darnos cuenta. "La Felicidad es el camino"

Your post speaks for US <3 resteemed and upvoted

So true. Thanks for the reminder. I recall when I moved to Italy back in the 80's one of the first lessons I learned from Italians and their culture was how "Americans tend to Live to Work, whereas Italians tend to Work to Live". I found the same way of living when I lived in Brazil as well. Of course that was then and now it seems more and more people everywhere live to work out of necessity. Still we all need to "stop and smell the roses" from time to time. It re-calibrates and recharges our spirit and mind.

Also, it struck me when I was a teenager studying Psychology a sort of simplified way to apply it to life. If we live in the past, we live in pain. if we live in the future, we live in fear. So the key is to live right NOW right where we are here. If you really stop and think about it, Now really is all there ever is. "Past" and "Future" are constructs that take us out of the present, where our real choice resides, and rob us of so much of it's blessings. All the best