Seek Knowledge

in #photography6 years ago

social strata is d sole reason why d rich see d sensible words of d poor as insult

God placed within man's system that acts to restrain him from doing wrong and to bear witness with what is right,
When the HolySpirit wants to bear witness within the heart of a Christian as to what is right or wrong and to regulate the conduct of the person, He makes use of this organ.Romans 9:1 a compass through which d spirit guides us

Paul describes happens to a life when the conscience is deadened.Your whole sense of judgment gets impaired and you enter into things that will destroy you, thinking you are right.Jail houses are full of men and women who paid no attention to that witness in them and are paying dearly for it today.

When a seemingly mature person in God, a minister of God who is reputable disobeys the voice of his conscience and publicly does things that everyone knows better than to do, Peter termed it "the madness of the prophet".

2 Peter 2:16 "But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man's voice forbad the madness of the prophet"
Doctrines of devils always seek to sear the conscience, to explain away it's nudging and voice as being unimportant in the light of their revelation.

1 Timothy 4:1-3 (KJV)
"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;"

There were men Jude taught who came into the churches with an interpretation of what the grace of God meant and by their message assaulted the function of this organ. Here's what Jude said Jude: 4

The restraining voice of the conscience is not condemnation as some will make it sound. It is a voice of correction. In the New Testament the HolySpirit corrects and that is not condemnation.
2 Timothy 3:16 Note in the Greek the word correction means 'referring to the improvement of life and character'

The error is this, some have termed any form of correction within as the voice of condemnation. So in a bid to say there is therefore no condemnation in Christ, they have inferred there is no correction in Christ. We are corrected so we don't fall into condemnation.

When you correct, you are restraining the person from a certain type of behavior. It is the business of the Christian to acknowledge this and to decide to walk right before God. This acknowledgment is termed to repent and then the advocacy of Jesus comes in as He cleanses the conscience and restores perfect fellowship with the Father.

why revile (scoff and sneer at) anything they do not happen to be acquainted with and do not understand;

Even though the activities of the conscience are limited to the amount of knowledge it has been exposed to and in some cases forbids the Christian to do certain things out of ignorance, it's voice must still be obeyed. The proper thing to do is to give knowledge and not just to influence disobedience.
If the conscience is violated without it being persuaded by the Spirit through
knowledge it gets seared. At no time in our Christian walk does the conscience not play a role. A Christian must never be influenced by a more "mature" believer to do what violates his conscience.

1 Cor 8:7-11FB_IMG_1500456858775.jpg


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