Tradition of Cow Fight
The tradition of cow fight held in Aceh Besar. The tradition of cow fightin Aceh aims to train the muscle strength of cow. Cow that win the battle will get a higher bid. Fight of cow held after farmers harvest rice in paddy fields.
My picture has fublish on on The Regional Newspaper
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Ganas that post nyo bang...
terimong geunaseh @fauziulpa foto2 jamen nyoe
bek kacok foto bak gogle nyan , kaboh link munyoe ft internet broo
menyoe drow @ades matong ka foto gen HP hana manfaat ka komen bak blog lon..kajak lampageu kedeh gam
kon masalah jak lam pague , kapakek tag aceh , kamao aceh ciet , bek gara gara brok sidroe , mandum jipuegah plagiat le awak media stimit
hai gam..droe hana ka turi lon..nya ata droe kirim link nya sapoe foto ka kalon beget beh..bek katudoh gob robot

nyoe buetoi nyan droe kueh , baroe kuturi ,tapi , munyoe kana bak berita serambi , harus ka boh link , karena ka awai muepos bak media serambi, bek iramah robot , kon hek mantong tuleh nyan
nya lagenyan ke magat ta dengo..bek asai ka tudoh aju..terimong geunaseh..nyan akan lon lakukan
demi kebaikan aceh dan tags aceh
teurimong geunaseh..galak lon na ureng mantong peduli ke karya original..karena tanyoe le that ka pelagiat..salam meuturi
Nice shoot ! the original fighter
We are now afraid of plagiarism like ghosts ... LOL my blog is my original photo thanks @ariframdan
this is the original work of @budifatria. He is an official photographer from
plagiarism is a ghost @matajingga so we are most anti with palgiarism thanks for helping convince my friends who do not know me
The internet is very slow, I can not enjoy this beautiful photo which is one of the best artwork @budifatria while working in serambinews
thanks @munaa we are not ghosts but real..hehehe