Meet My Friend @denissemata

in #photography7 years ago


Today I continue my series, called "Meet My Friend..."

In this series, my goal is to introduce each of you to one of the people I have become friends with here on Steemit.


without further ado...

I am proud to introduce my good friend,


She first joined Steemit in September, 2017.

In her first post, "Know me a little", she tells us she is from Margarita Island in Venezuela.

She also let us know she loves to bake, read, and enjoys the movies. I hope you noticed she used the smiley face emoji in her very first post title--this gives us a hint about her--she is very cheerful and always looks on the bright side of life.

I really loved in her introduction that Denisse tells us about her family. You can tell, right away, that family is important to her. I think this is one of my favorite things about her. Many of her posts feature pictures of her family.

I have never been to Margarita Island, or even Venezuela for that matter, but I looked up a few pictures from there and it looks very beautiful. Here is a nice picture of a beach from there—doesn’t it make you want to go and visit?


The first thing that caught my eye when I began to read her posts was her incredible attitude towards life and difficult circumstances. As many of you know, the economy in Venezuela is pretty tough right now. In spite of this, here is what Denisse said in one of my favorite posts:

Many people say already do not be worth a sorrow working! It reaches you neither to buy a kilogram of meat, since I do not think this way. I do not deny that it is sad and very debilitating to see that the money is like a water between the hands and that you can buy food. But this does not prevent me from continuing working and from wanting a better future.

I think her willingness to work despite the odds makes her one of the strongest people I know. It would be easy, in light of the difficulties of her country, to give up—instead she realizes that work is always worth it. Not necessarily because of what we get from it, but because of who we become. Denisse is very wise--because she already knows and lives this truth.

Another thing I think is wonderful about @denissemata is she works in a bakery. I love baking and thoroughly enjoy reading her posts about the delicious cakes and pastries she bakes.

Here is a one of my favorite pictures she has posted of her cakes—this looks absolutely delicious.


I also think it is wonderful @denissemata can see the potential that the Steemit platform has for each one of us. In this same post (the one with the yummy looking cake), she tells us that for a long time she wanted to go to school to be a chef but was worried about the financial cost. Now, as part of Steemit, she believes she will be able to go and realize her dream. What a fantastic thing!

Denisse is always kind to make thoughtful, cheerful comments. Most of all, she is grateful for the things she does have and focuses on moving forward instead of lamenting tough circumstances.

I think she is going to go far in this world, don’t you?

FOLLOW @denissemata


UPVOTE her posts.

You will be glad you did! I am.

I am humbled and grateful to be able to count @denissemata as one of my friends.


**The picture used in this post is from @denissemata , I used it with her permission.

A special thank you to @denissemata for allowing me to make this highlight post about her.

Follow @bigpanda for more flash fiction.


@bigpanda I am very grateful friend for having such kind action, God bless you and thank you for the support, I hope you keep growing in this great platform ♥

You as well, my friend @denissemata. I know with your wonderful attitude and amazing talents, you will have much success in life and especially here on Steemit.

@bigpanda Thank you for such good wishes, I hope to be very successful. And I know that with your support I can achieve it, for me everything counts and what you have done for me seems so wonderful to me that I do not have words to express how grateful I am

Hi girls I'm new here and I was wondering if you can help me a little! I'm travelling to south america and I really need some help

I assume "Big Panda" is sending you the SBD earned by this post??? ;)

I congratulate you on Christmas and wish from the bottom of my heart a bright blessing and a kind world, the true happiness and incredible joy of the soul.

Support me, please, if you like my post Thank you in advance!

Hi @denissemata, it's nice to meet you!

Hello Big Panda,

Thanks for the nice posting.
I hope you are doing well and I will follow her, too.
But I would like to kindly ask you if you could help me to reach a person who runs @mercurybot since I have a small inquiry for her/him

I am looking forward to hearing from you :)
Have a nice day!


Hey, I refunded that mistake. Please be careful--it ended up costing all the other voters in that round. In the future, the bot will not refund for anything unless the bot makes a mistake. Thanks for using @mercurybot

Sure! You are virtue of man that made my day. I am sorry for the mistake.I will be careful to do it.
Thank you again for your prompt action and hope you have an wonderful day!

Thank you for allowing us to meet another of your friends. I must say the beach picture looks lovely but the cake - the cake looked so delicious I could just imagine running my finger through the frosting mmmmmm.
Her outlook on life is a breath of fresh air, her attitude of " so life is tough well I am tougher" is wonderful to see.

That is exactly what I think @gattino. Her attitude is fantastic. Thanks for reading about her. I hope you followed her as well!

@gattino I really love it make cakes!

I love cake. 🍰

It's a great move for introducing new people you met on steemit through this series "Meet My Friend..."

I'm glad you like the idea. I will definitely continue doing it.

A very good friend and he is great. Thank you for introducing him to us. Greetings know for @denissemata.

She is a wonderful person--I know you two will become great friends as well.

Yes my friends will soon follow him. Hopefully we'll be good friends. Maybe we can share knowledge.

wow so beautiful

Him?? ...

Great share, though. Venezuela is certainly facing some hard times with empty food shelves, it is amazing that Steemit can impact anybody in the world if they allow it to.

I will follow her blog!

It is good to see in this social network how they support others regardless of their origin or lurgar status. Your work is really admirable, and your support is fundamental to Steemit's growth. We appreciate it very much @bigpanda

That is definitely one of my favorite things about Steemit--we can help each other.

Thanks for introducing I followed her

Awesome! I think you will really enjoy her posts.

Hopefully with us many friends then we can continue to share new things that we may different tribes, religions, even countries. in steemit does not know such things because here we are free to reveal everything that other people may not know, thanks @bigpanda has inspired me to continue to build silaturrahmi even though we just know.

I'm glad I could inspire you! Keep up the great work.

Very nice to meet you @denissemata ! The Steemit Community is so GREAT! The Steemit Community is so helpful and kind! I'm very proud and blessed to be a part of the Steemit Community! I'm going to also follow @denissemata ! Positive Energy! Light and Love! Great Karma! Blessed 2018 my Friends! :)

Such a wonderful community! Thanks for dropping by and reading about my friend.

It makes me really happy seeing other people helping other people out. Your friend @denissemata sounds like such a lovely person. Thank you for introducing to us steemonians!

Thank you for visiting and enjoying the post. She is wonderful. You seem to be as well, so I hope I can now call you my friend as well. BTW, I visited your blog and loved your mermaid tails. Two of my daughters have those and they have so much fun with them. They make me watch lots of mermaid videos, but mostly I just like spending time with them.

Yes! You most definitely can call me your friend as well :).

I so wish I was a mermaid so I can totally see why your daughters would love them too!

Btw, I really like how you post your short stories on here. It made me think of my sister as she loves to write. I want to try to get her to join so that she can share her short stories as well. How has your experience been like posting your short stories here so far?

That's one of the great things about Steemit.