Subliminal Steemit Logo Found In Buffalo New York - Part 1
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Traveling around Buffalo, New York with Steemit on the brain has helped me notice things I might normally miss. One is an uncanny resemblance between our local hospital and our beloved Steemit logo. Steemit has truly changed my view on the world, not just because I blog about more things, but I take the time to look at things. If we take the time to stare at a single leaf and were to look closer and closer from a macro, to a microscopic, to a subatomic view, we could spend all day appreciating the beauty of something we tromp over without much thought about. I ask that others try to see the beauty in simple things as well and keep your eyes peeled. :)

Haha...I knew Buffalo was good for something!!!
Nice eye, way to see potential in Buffalo too!