Ladybug. Bright and beautiful

in #photography7 years ago

A little bit of summer photos. I want to share with you an image - a ladybug.

All ladybugs are beautiful, bright. Bright color warns: do not touch me, I'm not edible, dangerous. By the way, birds do not hunt for these beetles. Yellow liquid, which emits a ladybug, scares away animals. And the ladybugs are also famous. They know how to pretend to be dead, in order to deceive predators and save their lives. Guys, and you know that despite its small size, the ladybug is a predator. It feeds on small insects that live on leaves of plants - aphids, another cow eats shchitovok, mednyts, young caterpillars.

Немного летних фотографий. Я хочу поделиться с вами изображением - божьей коровкой.

Все божьи коровки красивы, ярки. Яркая окраска предупреждает: не трогай меня, я не съедобна, опасна.  Кстати, птицы на этих жуков не охотятся. Желтая жидкость, которую выделяет божья коровка, отпугивает животных. А еще божьи коровки известные хитрюги. Они умеют притворяться мертвыми, для того, чтобы обмануть хищников и спасти свою жизнь. Ребята, а вы знаете, что несмотря на свои маленькие размеры, божья коровка – хищник. Она питается мелкими насекомыми, которые живут на листиках растений – тлей, еще коровка поедает щитовок, медяниц, молодых гусениц.

Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love


beuatiful ladybug dear @andrianna.
so sorry, so far I do not vote for you because I am waiting for the deligation from someone and from now on I have got it.
I will continue to support you.

your welcome dear

@andrianna i read your article you are a great writer and a great Photographer too .. i upvote for your hard work please keep writing and sharing ..

I'm not a writer or a photographer. I'm an artist .. but thanks vseravno!

Give me one upvote for my mistake ..

Hahahah okay okay sorry but i like your post..

many thanks :)

When i was a kid we thought that if a ladybug landed on you it was a sign of good luck.

why only in childhood? I still think so. and believe in it :)

People around here have become bitter, and have forgotten the magic of childhood.

The Tri-State area of the USA is a place where you don't speak about happy things, for fear that you will be socially attacked. Amongst friends it's fine, but not in public.

beautiful clicks!

How beautiful this tiny creature is! I never saw this colorful ladybug in the state where i am living in. Photography is also superb. Let's have gaze at my previous post in Photography. Up vote it if seems you worth praising otherwise it would be fine too.

yes! thanks/ ok

Oh that is so pretty! I liked ladybugs when I was younger but when I was holding one I did not know that it could fly so it really scared me.

haha. probably all in childhood it was

Interesting info regarding the ladybug. Always fun to find one. I had ladybug swarms near my house.

I had a lot of summer :)

That is wonderful!

It so beautiful, best photo macro @andrianna

Nice post