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RE: Camino de Santiago Part 1: Crossing The Pyrenees ⛰️

in #photography8 years ago

This spring we wanted to do R10 or R11 as we are more mountains people but unfortunately, there are very few good resources to help strangers plan their journey. I'd wish people would write about those as they write about Camino de Santiago. Your photos are so good I start to wander if this road won't be also an option :)


Hello @alinamarin, maybe try this 2 forums, one is in polish (but google translate can be a friends sometimes) and one in english:

Maybe if you do this routes can make a blog about them ;)

So resourceful Alex, thanks.
I will search for something similar for R11& R10, maybe my first tries were not good enough. Traveling...blogging...traveling...quite a dream

The resource that I'm laking is steem power at the moment is steem power, but this builds slowly up.

I think you can do it, maybe with a little working instead of the dots, but it is doable.

:)) I like this part "with a little working instead of the dots"