My amazing trip to Norway (part 1)

in #photography7 years ago

It was January 2016, and I was nervously waiting at the airport for my plane to Norway. This would be the day that I would leave my comfortable home country for half a year. To me, a shy person who is not used to vacations longer than 2 weeks, this was quite unusual and at that moment, I was not so sure about my decision. However, to this day, I have never regretted my decision to study a semester in Norway. And, to convince you how wonderful the country is, I will share my photos with you. Overall it was a wonderful trip; the scenery was amazing and I met nice people! :D


The city I studied in is Trondheim. Next to this city, a recreational area is located called Bymarka. It is nothing like anything in the Netherlands, which made it very special to see for me. Living in such a crowded country, I cannot imagine being able to look towards any direction without being able to see something that represents human presence. It was my first contact with the landscapes of Norway, and it did not disappoint.

The white snow contrasts beautifully with the sunset

The first week I was there, I took this picture of the sunset. It is one of the best landscape pictures I ever shot! The orange and the white go really well together if you ask me.

Here you can still see the sun shining through the frozen trees

The color probably had something to do with the weather. It was freezing cold that day, with a temperature of -14 degrees Celsius (6.8 degrees Fahrenheit). Everything was frozen, which is why the trees were still so white!
On the same note, it being so cold meant that the ground was completely frozen and very, very slippery.

The sun sets

Climbing the mountain was hard as it was so slippery (It was probably technically a hill, but us Dutch people like to call anything larger than a molehill a mountain), but eventually we managed to reach the top.

The view at the top of the mountain!

We were almost too late to view the sunset, but I was able to get this shot, just before the sun was gone. Lucky me :).

One more picture at the top of the mountain!

These photographs cannot begin to describe how amazing it was, but I hope they will inspire you to go out of your comfort zone and explore things you would never do before!

Which picture is your favourite? Let me know! :)


The last one's my favorite. Looks someone just shook powdered sugar all over everything aha

Haha, I guess it does look like that! Delicious :P

Hi, Alieke
You really had a great time in Norway...I like the second picture it is very nice to me. Your experience is like mine when I went for the first time in Sweden in the city called Gothenburg. It was hectic in the first few weeks because t was snowing and I had never had experienced such weather! y the way, welcome to Tanzania, there are a lot of good things too!

Ah, that does sound similar indeed! I think you would be even more amazed by the snow than I was. After all, I had seen snow before, just not as much as there was in Norway. :)

-14 degrees Celsius !!

I can't even imagine that temperature.

Good publication, thank you very much for sharing.

Your photography is exquisite. I'm looking forward to seeing more.