
Yes, we definitely are! For me to want to go into analog is a years long itch: I just believe I will get more emotion in my future analog shots! Why? Because for me the unit with which I take pictures often decides what pictures I take! For example: more wide/street/landscape/documentary shots with my main camera, while more close/abstract/framed/reflection images with my phone.

I'm hoping for more human connection and creative impulses by going into analog, real double exposures for example and the true surprise of it all. I'm kind of bored by crispy / perfect shots that you can endlessly do-over because there's no limits to what your cam can do :-)

If I ever get all the equipment I'll share it of course! It will be an amazing adventure :D And yes, looking forward most to being able to develop at home! It's a nice I'd love to get to know :-)

So you are a romantic like myself. 😄 But indeed, with analog it's the whole process of creativity and making art. Digital can become too "easy" and stop challenging you. Nice example with the double exposures. I think taking a step back and going analog will help both of us to move forward. :) (BTW I'm only shooting seriously for about 8 months, so am still a noob when it comes to photography :D )

And it must be a lot of fun! I'll be watching out for your plunge into analog.

Ahhh only 8 months! You're a fast learner! That makes me even more excited for your analog experiments, they will rocket your growth :D Yes yes, thanks for this convo, even more excited to start now, hahaha!

You bought film from Italy, is it Ferrania film by any chance?

Hey! No, but I didn't even know Ferrania existed! That looks amazing! Thanks for the tip I am sure going to buy some of them too :-)