New photographs
Hi everyone! Happy Friday. Today I have an odd assortment of photographs to share. I kind of just went with the flow. I hope you enjoy them.

This is a wild Chachalaca. It makes a very cute noise most of the time, but it can also make a very loud racket. Overall, I find them to be very quiet. They also seem to get along with chickens.

A close-up of its face.

This seemed cool so I took a picture. For awhile, I had a compost bin (I live in an apartment). Things decompose here very very quickly. Once I have more room (and hopefully less flooding I will definitely be composting again).

This one is even better. You know what it reminds me of? Those gold leaf earrings. Have you seen them? I think they use actual leaves to make them.

The moon three nights ago. I didn't get very good pictures that day. This was the only one that turned out. Still, I think it's a good picture.

I thought these two flowers were pretty.

You may have noticed that I like statues, in particular I enjoy photographing their faces. I am not sure why, but I just like their facial expressions.

Avina pointed out to me that if you look at this picture it almost looks like a dress? Do you see it? She suggested someone design a dress inspired by this flower. I think that would be a gorgeous dress!

The spiders here are kind of creepy. I mean they seem to just eat small insects, but I am still not a fan of spiders.

I love the colors in this photo, despite it featuring a spider. I kind of like how it turned out.

Just some seeds, but I thought they looked cool.

And some random seed pods.

Ok, this is not the best photograph in the world, but let me tell you about it anyway. This is a wild tarantula, in its nest, hovering over its egg sac. I finally was able to photograph one (usually I see them at night).

I don't know what type of bug this is, but it seemed interesting.

These have to be some of the most beautiful orchids I have ever seen. So beautiful.

A close-up. So pretty!

Simple flowers, but I thought they were very beautiful.

And finally a different type of hummingbird. I like how the background kind of matches the hummingbird. I lucked out there.
Every day is an adventure. I never know what I will find and see. I love looking at the world through a lens. You notice so much you would not otherwise. Isn't it amazing?
I hope my photographs helped to brighten your day.
Have a happy and enjoyable weekend everyone!
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Beutiful shoot☺️
Thank you!