Photography #26 - Taking time...
This time of year is always my busiest. It's been non-stop since the end of October (which is why I had to step away from my social media stuff for a while). It's been stressful but also enjoyable in equal measure and I will be blogging about the recent work soon.
It was partly with this busy season looming, that I decided to take my daughters out to one of their favourite places (Keswick in the Lake District). It's always important to make time for family, and to take time out of the studio to refresh your batteries (especially when you know the work is about to avalanche onto you, lol).

Both of my daughters are now studying creative topics. My eldest is in college studying art and design, and my youngest in still in school but really enjoying her photography course. This trip, to a place we'd visited many times, gave us a completely different focus.
We spent most of the day talking about creative stuff as well as enjoying our surroundings.

There were many opportunities to study
perspective and composition by lake Derwent...

...and studying framing and symmetry when taking photographs...

...Light and shadow - how contrast can add drama...

...and how to set up a shot to lead the viewers eye into the photo...

Here, exposed tree roots lead to some interesting discussions... and
a picture within a picture (how best to frame a little island in the distance)...
It was a really enjoyable day full of artistic experimentation. Something I really needed at the time - a real breath of fresh air before the work piled in.
Places like this can be so inspiring. They generate new ideas, and new ways of seeing the same old things. And it was a lot of fun.

We even had a bit of time for some sculpting by the lakeside...

...before seeing a proper sculpture by Peter Randall-Page - 'The hundred year stone'. More info here

Of course I had to get some fungi in here! It wouldn't be the same without it...
These mini breaks are essential. Stress will always be around. How you manage it will make all the difference. It's important to take time....take time to look at the world around you. If you're constantly rushing around, chasing coins, you'll miss all the riches.