story togetherness laskar pase

in #photografy7 years ago


pengalaman pertama bersama teman-teman Laskar pase ke Sabang,itu kebersaman yg kita bangun dari nol sampai sekarang,kebersamaan yang dulunya tidak saling mengenal,tidak saling terbuka antara satu sama lain,foto itu waktu kami bersama-sama di kapal feri.

first experience with Laskar Pase friends to Sabang, that is the unity that we built from scratch until now, togetherness that did not know each other, not mutually open between each other, the photo was when we were together on the ferry.


itu foto di Pulau iboh Sabang.

it's a photo on Saboh Island iboh.


ini cerita kami,bagaimana dengan cerita anda?

this is our story, how about your story?

            #  STEEMIT FOREVER #