Syukri Isa Bluka Teubai and His Father Muhammad Isa M. Amin
Photos of Graduation Day Syukri Isa Bluka Teubai
Exactly, a week already from Tuesday, 27th of February is ending today on Tuesday, March 6, 2018. The UIN Ar-Raniry campus represents approximately one thousand graduates. And below are some photos of Syukri Isa Bluka Teubai, when graduated (27 February 2018) ;

This is Muhammad Zulfadli, first brother of Syukri Isa Bluka Teubai

Syukri Isa Bluka Teubai, in the ranks of the graduates

Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Ar-Raniry, Dr. Mujiburrahman M. Ag, left, and Syukri Isa Bluka Teubai, right, on the graduation stage

Prof. Dr. H. Farid Wajdi Ibrahim MA, rector of UIN Ar-Raniry, right, and Syukri Isa Bluka Teubai, on stage graduation
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