
Such a terrible photo!

I've never heard of that song, who is it by?

If you were bashing my photography skills, I will accept your criticism because after a review of your blog, it is always nice to get such inspiring words from someone with such a keen eye for photography as yourself. Keep up the great work.

Couldn't find it either... This is the closest I found

That may have been what he meant. I really am not a fan of the song though. It is sort of like interpretive dance to me. Just a bunch of garbage thrown together.

It sounds like a b-side song from this band:

One of my favorite Zombie songs

by FF5

Looks like my friend even directed their Music Video. haha

This song is so awesome! The zombie line dancing was great.

Haha yeah this group is pretty awesome... and was one of the first groups I photographed about 10 years ago.

Yeah, you put me on to them a few years ago when you drive up blasting that from your stereo. Great roadtrip music!

@jarvie, you are the winner of the Photo Stars group with this awesome song. I have probably listened to it 20 times in the past few days.

When I think of Zombies I go with a Simon Pegg classic! Also appreciate the gift man!

This was such a great movie!

Such a terrible photo!

Now we're talkin!! I saw Rob Zombie live in Dallas like 10 years ago. It was CRAZY.

Haha, yes, that was inevitable. :p

Good old Cranberries. This is probably my favorite song by them.

For me, this was obvious choise :)

by Six Feet Under

Bringing in some old school metal with this one!

I'm old, er, I mean old school! LOL!

This photo makes mi think of:

His videos are the best. This is the style I would shoot.

So many memories with this song. This is my first time ever actually watching the video, lol.

I am surprised to hear that. It's almost considered an oldies LOL

I feel like this song perfectly captures the mood of the image, as well as the angst of the poor misunderstood subject.

lol! I don't even know how to reply to this.

Looks like you managed it ^ :D