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RE: Build your dreams, kid. (Original Photos)

in #photofeed7 years ago (edited)

That is a rare find, very creepy though.
What are those little frames they are in, haven't seen those before.
I wonder what a paper mill does with all those creepy pictures, it looks a little like there was more going on there (however this might be the conspiracy theorist inside me talking). great pics (yours, not the creepy ones those are creepy).


awhhh but I love creepy! I think they are slides for a projector instead of actually being photos. I thought maybe they were used for some type of training but some of the slides make no sense for a place like that. You're probably right with more going on inside the factory.. hahha
Thanks for the kind words!

Creepy is kinda awsome.
I see I forgot about projectors, so that was what those are.
Can't you try finding out who or what company owned the paper mill, maybe that will tell you more about what could have possibly been going on there and give the pictures a bit more of story so you can maybe do a more detailed post. you really peaked my interest.