PhotoBomb Challenge #3 + Winners of #2
Hello dear PhotoBombers!
I just can not describe to you how exciting I am! I can not belive that PhotoBomb Challenge #2 had such a great support like this from past week from you guys...
There was really a lot of entrys so it was such a hard job for judge (@baldos) to pick top 3 entrys.
Because of that I will additionally reward 3 more entrys in upcoming challenge!
I will give $2 for 3 more best entrys!

Before I explain more about it, let's announce the winners of the PhotoBomb #2!

(Judge @baldos)
First place and the winner of 12$: @jazzhero

if you just look at how the image looked like before editing it, you'll clearly see why it fall to first place

@jazzhero, congratulations!
Second place and the winner of 8$: @steemotion

Third place and the winner of 4$: @sweedixie

Congratulations to all the winners!!

For this time you need to make photo bomb with this photo:

Winner - 12 $
Second place - 8 $
Third place - 4 $
Fourth Fifth & Sixth - 2 $

How to support challenge?
Good luck everyone!
Support #photobombchallenge with your upvote!
Payout of meme posts are filling photobombchallenge reward pool!
Greetings from @fibra59

cool contest! congratulations!
Thank you @aksinya :)
I agree with you @aksinya! Nice contest @fibra59! I'm looking forward to see where this contest will go!
Will this contest beat memechallenge? :)
Memechallenge have a great history and a lot of people love it. The way this new challenge was accepted, all I can say is that it has a lot of potential. I think it will grow very fast.
this week is memechallenge #50 we have 50 challenges behind us ;))
Let's hope to see photobomb #50 too :D
The best contest . Congrulations @fibra55
Thank you :)
Nice new initiative , May be you could give more number of prizes based on earnings from the post .
Don't worry, challenge just started ;)
There really was a lot of amazing enteries but in the end somebody had to win! Congradulations to the winners of this one and best wishes to you all for the upcomming ones.
Thank you judge :))
Congrats all winners 🎉
Can't wait to see all new entries with the big orange D , it's gonna be fun for sure !
Edit: I am struggling with the defenition of "photobomb" though , with my entries I stuck to what I think is classed as 1, it being someone or something appearing usualy in the background of someone elses photo , but judging by the winners is it safe to say "anything goes" editing wise I mean? Please clarify for me @fibra59
Either way it's all fun and games
Urban dictionary says:
photobomb (verb)- to drop in a photo hop in a picture right before it is taken.
sarah: hey why is jimmy in the background of our prom picture?
ryan: idk, he must have photobombed it at the last second.
so that means anything goes :)
Oki, anything goes it is ! Thank you 🤗
My 2nd entry :)
my third entry
My second entry
My entry :D
My 3rd entry :)
Congrats winners! My entry for this photobomb contest ;)